Chapter Five

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I wake up to my alarm. Great I get to go to school. I quickly take a shower and do my hair nicely. I don't really do that much makeup and I throw on the first things I see in my closet. I walk down the stairs and see my mom getting ready to leave.

"Leaving already mom?"

"I know sweetie. Gotta make money somehow."

"Yeah, but I feel like I hardly see you anymore."

"Me too, see you later," my mom said and kissed my forehead and walked out the door.

I quickly eat my cereal I got for myself and I heard a horn honk outside. I get up and look out the window. To my surprise there's a blue jeep in my driveway. Stiles.

I grab my backpack and go out the front door making sure to lock it. I open the passenger door and get in.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him

"Just thought you would need a ride," he said and shrugged.

"And you figured out where I lived, how exactly?"

"Scott told me," Stiles said pulling out of my driveway.

"Mmk," I say and nod my head, "thanks by the way. This beats walking."

"You mean walking all the way to school by yourself all alone isn't the most fun thing in the world? I'm shocked," he said smiling looking at me real quick then looking back at the road.


Somehow I manage to make it through most of my classes and now, I get to do cross country. It's not the I'm mad about it, I love running, I'm just really tired. I go to the girls locker room, put my hair up and throw on a sweatshirt and some black leggings. It cold outside right now and I'm not planning on freezing to death.

( outfit^ )

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( outfit^ )

The girls go outside with the boys and I see Scott and Stiles and go over to them.

"You guys do cross country?"

"Um, we're sorta of forced to because we play lacrosse," Scott says

"I didn't know you did cross country," Stiles told me

"You didn't ask," I said and smiled.

The whistle blows and everyone starts running. The twins are in front of everyone and I'm trying my best to keep up but it's like they don't even need to breath. Issac too. I'm running and I'm ahead of everyone except Scott, Ethan, Aiden, and who I believe is Isaac. I'm running when all of a sudden I run into a dead body. Yes again, a dead body. I have no idea what to do so I just scream.

"Bella! You okay?" Stiles asks me, my hands are covering my mouth, I have no idea what to say. Then Scott comes over.

"Bella, what happened," I shed a tear and he pulls me in for a hug trying to comfort me but nothing's really working right now.

Soon the cops are here, Stiles's dad too. He yelling orders telling us to get away.

"You heard the man, nothing to see here. Probably just some homeless kid," Coach says.

Soon we end up going back to school. Somehow Stiles and Scott convinced me not to go home. So after a few classes I go and talk to Lydia, she's one of my best friends right now and I need to get some things off my plate. While I'm talking to her about what happened at cross country one of the twins comes over, and I can't exactly tell who it is but they know who I am.

"Hello, Bella is it?"

"Yes," I nod my head. He extends his hand and I shake it of course but then it happens again I see something.

Teeth, sharp teeth. Like fangs. And claws, glowing eyes - red eyes. It feels weird like I'm touching some type of animal.

He pulls his hand away and sorta of looks and stares at me.

"Lydia," he said looking away and smirked. I take that as my cue and walk away. I don't know what's up with all these people around here but something it's going on that no one is telling me and that's a fact.


sorry this was so short rip

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