Little Tauriel

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"Please we beg of you, do not lock us away in darkness, my liege." Thranduil sat on his throne and raised his hand graciously in the air, silencing both captives. "I do not tolerate traitors," he murmered standing up slowly. The elven man and women kneeled before him, bound in chains. Placing a hand on the women's chin he lifted her head up so that they were face to face, "Did you not try to betray me?" Anger flashed in her eyes, as she struggled under his grip,

"LET GO OF HER!" Thranduil smiled and walked over to the man and slapped him so that he fell on his side. "NO, please please, I beg of you!" she cried struggling against her bonds. Thranduil once more turned to face her, but instead he cocked his head to one side as if listening to something far away.

"The tiniest heartbeat......" he murmered softly. He stared intensley at her and for a moment nothing could be heard except for the groans and rattling of chains. "You bear a child?" Bowing her head in defeat she cried silently.

Placing a hand on her shoulder, Thranduil said, "Do not worry, she will be delivered safely to this world, and she will be trained and watched over. You will be free until the child is born but after that you must pay for your crimes." Hissing, she spat in his face and as she was dragged away she called, "You will never have her! NEVER!"

"Tauriel!" Legolas called excitedly. Clapping her hands in delight she ran over to where Legolas stood, arms outstretched. Laughing she fell into his arms, making him stagger backwards in surprise. "Hey Tauriel," he said lifting her up onto his shoulders. Giggling in delight, she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck.

Wincing, he stumbled towards the practicing grounds and fell backwards. Shrieking, Tauriel tumbled backwards and tried to regain her balance but she was far too dizzy and instead fell onto the ground. Crawling towards her, Legolas laughed and tickled her making her squirm. Steadying her, Legolas laughed and watched as she made a feeble attempt to remove the leaves that decorated her hair.

"Here let me help you," he murmered, carefully removing the leaves. Tauriel gasped in delight as she saw two twigs on the ground. Reaching for them she lifted the twigs up onto her hair and giggled as Legolas clapped. Smirking he lifted her up and took the twigs from her hand, "You look like my father," he said teasingly. Wrestling from his grip, Legolas was forced to put her down. "Oh, look what ada gave me!" Legolas exclaimed proudly showing his new bow.

She stared in amazement and replied, "It's beautiful Legolas." Reaching out to grab it, Legolas raised his eyebrow and shook his head, "You're too young." Crossing her arms over her chest she exclaimed, "That's not fair......"

"You're too you-"

"Little leaf!"

Blushing he rubbed his neck, clearly embarrassed. Crouching, he ruffled her hair and put a finger to his lips. "How about I let you shoot ONE arrow if you never call me that again? Solemnly she placed a hand to her heart and promised, "I promise never to call you Little Leaf again, Legolas Prince of Mirkwood and Kindest friend I've ever had." Laughing, he winked and said, "Ok you've convinced me, here let me show you."

Tauriel struggled under the weight of the bow but had a firm grip on it. After Legolas helped her to put the arrow in place, Tauriel scrunched up her face and shot an arrow. It soared high into the sky and out of sight, "Come I think it went to gardens," Legolas called lifting Tauriel onto his shoulders. "Did I shoot well, Legolas?" Laughing, he replied, "Yes, I'm sure that if an orc was patrolling the gardens he would have been very surprised!"

Giggling in delight, they reached the gardens. "Where's the arrow?" "Do you mean this arrow?" Tauriel gasped in fright and hid behind Legolas as Thranduil stood before him holding the arrow between his fingers. Shuffling and bowing his head, Legolas mumbled an apology. "Who shot this arrow Legolas?" Tauriel knawed her lip anxiously and squeezed Legolas's hand for comfort.

"It was me ada, I'm sorry," Legolas whispered. "It's ok little leaf," Tauriel placed her small hands over her mouth, stifling a laugh. "Tomorrow we will find you a teacher, so that you can practice more." Legolas bowed to his father and walked off, Tauriel stumbling after him. Sitting down, Legolas hunched over.

"Legolas?" she mumbled softly. Tears spilled over her eyes as she whispered, "I didn't mean to get you into trouble." Pulling her onto her lap, he embraced her and allowed her to cry into his shirt. Stroking her hair, he murmered comforting words into her ear. "It's not you. Ada dosen't think I'm trying hard enough, even though I work hard every day. I'm tired of trying to be perfect."

Sniffing, Tauriel wrapped her arms around his shoulders and mumbled, "Well I think you're the best archer of every elf and I think you're a very good friend." Smiling he hugged her tightly and looked off into the distance, humming an old song his mother used to sing to him when he was just a little leaf.

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