Doctor Who Now?

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A month after that Sotaru had settled back in the Uzumaki-Namikaze compound in one condition, he refused to be called Naruto since that name is now foreign to him. When Minato announced it in the village many were surprised but when Sotaru explain about what the potion will do they accepted it.

Sotaru also tried out on the Jonin Exam much to the annoyance of Kushina since he just got back but swallowed the protest when Sotaru told her about his experience in Orochimaru's clutches and that this is a piece of cake. And he passed with flying colors, and as a Special Jonin. He also got apprenticeship from Tsunade Senju, his Godmother. In the council was a chaos. The advisors and he civilians had request for Sotaru to undergo in the CRA for his abilities to pass down but a glare and threat from Minato shut them up.

Sotaru was walking around the village after he helped Tsunade with an Akimichi who ate to much before he swallows. Sotaru wore a black jonin pants and ninja sandals, a white polo that is unbuttoned in the neck with a gray V neck sweater and over it is a white lab gown and a dark blue stethoscope around his neck and a medical kit strap in his back. He also wore black reading glasses. He was a sight from both male and female population. He passed by a BBQ place and his stomach growled in hunger.

"I guess I could eat" Sotaru said as he entered the BBQ house.


"Hey! Otouto! Over here!" Sotaru heard a familiar voice as he turned to the direction and saw his older siblings with his former team mates and the rest of Konoha 12.

"Hello, Sister. I did not see you there. You as well brother" Sotaru said blankly

"Yeah yeah. Sit down with us!"

"Yeah! Come join us!" Kikyo smiled, Sotaru nodded and sit down between Choji and Shino

Sotaru got in a small talk with Shino as the table were filled with chatter. It stayed like that for 15 minutes until Ino asked a question.

"So, Sotaru....Sora, who is he to you?" Ino asked, the room temperature dropped, frost start spreading in the walls and table. Sotaru's face held cold fury but it was caged back by indifference.

"I did not see it was your business, Yamanaka san" Sotaru said icily at Ino shrunk from the glare, Choji and Shino shivered from the cold.

"I think it's time for me to leave. Here is my pay. Have a nice day" Sotaru placed his money in the table and stood up and walk off

"Wait! She didn't mean to ask such question. You just got here-"

"My break is over. Unlike you I have some duties to do. Please excuse me" Sotaru disappeared in a swirl of snow and cold wind.

The temperature in the room slowly got back to normal. They all sat there in silence and continued eating. Suddenly a Chuunin ran in, panting.

"Sasuke san! It's your brother! He's in the hospital!" The Chuunin said. Sasuke quickly stood up

"What happened to him?!"

"He collapsed as soon as he entered the gate from a mission. Dr Namikaze is currently with him since Tsunade sama is tending his other team mate. He's in the north wing ER and your parents are in the waiting room" The Chuunin said. Sasuke slammed his money on the table as he ran out of the BBQ House

When Sasuke arrived in the waiting room he saw his Mother and Father with Izumi, Itachi's girlfriend. Mikoto rushed to Sasuke and wept. They had waited for 7 hours in the waiting room. Kushina had come to comfort her best friend and rival. Then the doors in the waiting room opened and revealing Sotaru with a serious expression. Fugaku was freaking out inside since he had to trust his oldest son's life with a 14 years old!!!

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