Snake Venom

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"So everybody ready?"

"Hokage sama, please explain to me why I am on this mission again? I do not believe I agreed to this" Sotaru said as he fixes the crown on his head. The others sweat dropped.

"You are here because we don't have any other candidate as the substitute" Minato sighed

Sotaru groaned in annoyance. He hoisted himself up to sit on the white horse that have his undercover name on it. He looked around and spotted a couple of ANBU guards. Many clan heads as well with their heirs came as well. Starting from Namikaze-Uzumaki to Uchiha to Akimichi. Sotaru sighed heavily again and poofed a 3 inch thick book from the scroll, it has the tittle of 'How to Convert Poisons into Healing Potions'

The whole ride was quite if you ignored the bickering of the kids. Sotaru occasionally sent Shadow Clones when he spotted some rare and plants he could add to his collections and garden. It was until almost sundown when they are still quite far from a nearby town so they have to set up tent to camp, surprisingly the Royals didn't complain.

They all peacefully set the camp until a scream echoed. Sotaru were on his feet immediately, he sniff the air and quickly scrambled into his feet and ran towards the scream. He saw the others and he quickly throw a senbon needle at the snake nearby. He examined it before his eyes widen in horror. He looked at the Queen.

"Everybody move!" Sotaru barked as he shoved Minato away who stumbled a little

"She's bitten by a venomous snake, also known as Coral Snakes. Whatever you do don't get near to that snake" Sotaru warned and examined the bite

An ANBU was about to step in when Sotaru quickly laid his scrolls in the floor and bit his thumb drawing blood and splatter it on the scroll. Many viles and bottles on glass shelves appeared in a poof of smoke. Sotaru examined the viles then narrowed his eyes in annoyance. He grabbed a cloth and wrap it around the Queen's arm to prevent the venom on spreading.

He grabbed many numerous vials and pour some amount on a flask while his hand glowing green. After a few seconds Sotaru settled the flask down before grabbing a small basin that have small amount of hot water, in the bottom of the basin there were seals. Sotaru quickly made some hand signs and a green like bubble of chakara appeared in his hands.

"Hold her down" Sotaru said.

Kushina and Mikoto then held the queen firmly. Sotaru then proceed. He insert the chakara bubble and placed his hand neac the joint in the elbow and small yellow spots in the bubble, he put it on the water basin.

"For some reasons the venom is far more venomous than I imagine. It's clinging in her veins and its multiplying." Sotaru muttered loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Can you help her?"

"I can....although its risky. But I'll do my best as a medic" Sotaru said.

He grabbed a syndrome and used the potion he made earlier and inject it in the Queen's blood stream. The queen is getting weaker. Sotaru grabbed another scroll and unsealed a metal table with straps on it.

"Put her in the table and strap her in. Make sure she won't able to move" Sotaru said as he grabbed he did some handsigns and his clothes changed into an all white clothes and a lad coat, a face mask on his face.

Sotaru growled in frustration as he ran his glowing hands in the Queen's body to find the venom spreading and fast. He removed his gloves and used a chakara scalpel to cut a line on his palm, drawing blood before doing the same to the queen. He cut his other hand and submerged his right hand into the water before grabbing the Queen's wound hand before his hands began to glow dark blue that was flickering to black before flickering back to blue again. The Queen began to struggle to the restrains. Sotaru winced as the venom entered in body as it exits the queen. The venom travelled in his veins and with a surge amount of chakara the pace quickens as it exits his body and into the basin.

"S-S-soldier" Sotaru groaned out. Minato grabbed out and let Sotaru swallowed it

The others watched in worry and in awe as the process continues. A freash genin with the age of more or less 10 years old, who just got out of the academy performed one of the most advance medical ninjutsu that is been taught to high jonin or ANBU and yet the medical ninjutsu he use now is more advance that maybe Tsunade of the Sanin knows, heck maybe she doesn't because of how the boy perform it like it is a life-death jutsu. A forbidden jutsu.

After a few minutes the process is finally done. Sotaru swallowed a pill once more before regaining his footing. He bandaged the hand on the queen and undid the straps before bandaging his.

"The operation is complete however the Queen will likely be unconscious in 2 to 3 days. The venom of the snake is extremely deadly that I have no choice but to use 'Medic Art: Life Line Restoration'. A dangerous, and life risking for both the patient and caster. I created it to remove the poisons and other substance from the patient to ones body before transferring it out. It's a high level one because it one wrong more and both will die. I have save lots of animals in the forest from venoms and poison, this is the first time I have perform this to humans and I am glad it is a success" Sotaru smiled weakly as he summoned a shadow clone to tidy things up before he walked towards the snake that cause the ruckus.

Sotaru carefully wrap chakara string on the snake as he removed the senbon and put it in a vial. He placed the snake in a small glass like aquarium and sealed both away. He id some handsigns and his medic outfit were gone and replaced with royal cothes. Sotaru sighed before his vision start swirling and black spots filled his line of sight before he black out hearng someone screamed his name


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