Part 22

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Splob unlocked the blast doors then led the others to the fleeby deeber racks. Splob, Grunkel, Sidney, Sid and the two Gwindas all got on fleeby deebers and drove them through the opening blast doors. The security, medi robots and chef droids were unprepared for the blast doors opening.

“Yes,” droned the MP, as though he was really tired.

“Six humanoids on fleeby deebers are making their way out of the plaza area,” informed TP2180.

MP sparked up a bit, “Security droids report to the MP. Blast doors down.” But of course the blast doors were controlled by the MPs alternate personality. “Oh dear,” said MP, “I think I am doubly compromised. I do hope the security droids get here to protect me from the wicked little gnomes.”

As he was saying this Splob, Grunkel and the others fleeby deebered up on their fleeby deebers. 

The MP made out he wasn’t there.

Splob walked up to the main console where the MP could communicate directly with the paying public. “Hello,” helloed Splob, “is anyone home?” 

Three security droids glided into the main console area, “Please step away from the Main Processor,” ordered one of them.

“Or what?” asked Sid.

“Or we will remove you and put you in the detainment cells.”

“But we need to speak to the Main Processor,” demanded Splob, “We have a proposal for him.”

“I do not want to get married,” said the MP warily from his making out like he’s not there hiding place.

“Oh, so you are there,” said Sid.

“Of course I am. What is the proposal you propose? I do hope it’s not a preposterous proposal that you propose.”

“We propose that you send one of us back in time, or wherever it is we need to go, to stop A1 from being captured by the gnomes of Precinct 13 and giving Grunkel the ability to leave there and start ‘The War in the Precincts’,” proposed Sid.

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