Chapter Three

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Auralia's P.O.V:

I was woken by the loud sound of something shattering. It scared me almost to death and I gasped as I bolted upright in my bed. I jumped out quickly and ran halfway down the stairs, stopping as I flipped on a light switch. I stayed in one spot for a minute, afraid to see what was there. What if it was a robber? Or some other type of criminal? Now I just feel stupid now that I've turned the lights on. There was no sound coming from downstairs, not even footsteps. I stepped down on one stair and poked my head to see the kitchen from the stairs. There was someone there, but I backed away and leaned against the wall so he wouldn't see me. I tried my best not to scream and I snuck back upstairs to grab my baseball bat from my bedroom. I walked back down the stairs, a little quicker this time, and a little more confidently. I looked at the person again, who seemed to be hurt from the glass.

I took a deep breathe before I allowed myself the courage to walk down the stairs. Whoever was in there didn't seem to notice that I was there, so I slowly flipped the light-switch that lit the living room. He looked back quicly and let out a loud shout, I screamed back in surprise and instinct to fight kicked in, making me try to hit him with the bat, but I missed and ended up breaking a vase filled with flowers. I kept the bat in ready position in case he tried to corner or attack me. He looked about as confused as I was when I finally saw his face. In any normal situation he would have been cute, but right now he was an intruder. He held his hands up in surrender while I still held the baseball bat.

"Who the fuck are you?! Why are you in my house?!" I shouted. He looked stunned. Was he some crazy guy that escaped a mental institution or something? He stared at me strangely, like he had seen me before. He looked familiar to me as well, now that I thought about it.

"Rheya?" He asked. I squinted my eyes at him in an obscure fashion. I shook my head slightly, trying to make sense of what he said. Nothing came to mind.

"Wha--What are you talking about? Tell me who you are before I call the police!" I threatened. He seemed a little out-to-lunch, like he was daydreaming. He was looking around the house, examining the pictures of my family and I that hung on the pale white walls. I stood there, waiting for him to get back in touch with reality. All he did was walk around in the small kitchen space we stood in. I told him to answer me when he was quiet for a few more seconds. He stares back at me in the most mysterious of ways, as if he had only just become aware of my presence and was nonchalant about my frantic attitude.

"My name is Gabriel, and I would suggest you to not speak so loudly. Loud noises have never been a preference of mine." He replied in the most mellow of voices I have ever heard. Gabriel? Was he stoned out of his mind? I then remembered the picture I had seen with Ferruccio of Gabriel the angel. From what I remembered, the picture did resemble this man's face significantly. It couldn't be him could it? No, that must be pure coincidence. Why would an angel be here, in my house? How unrealistic is that?! I wasn't even sure if angels existed, why would one be here on earth, just standing in my kitchen? This man was clearly unstable, and I needed to get him to a hospital.

"Gabriel? Okay, why are you here Gabriel?" I asked. I was trying to relax as much as I could. I needed to remain calm so Gabriel wouldn't try to attack me. I felt so stupid, being this clueless about everything, and not knowing what to do. There were no precautions to take here, if who he claimed to be was really true. What could I possibly be capable of doing right now?

"I have no idea. But I need to get back." He replied.

"Back where?" I asked.

"Heaven." He answered.

Heaven? Heaven? Was he serious? He was claiming to be Gabriel, the Archangel! I didn't know what that counted as, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't a good thing to claim. This guy was crazy! Now I'm just a little bit terrified about how insane he actually is.

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