Chapter 22: Why me?

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Why me?

Why does this have to happen to me? Right after I just forgave him for everything he did to me? I don't know what I'll do without my father when he's gone. I can't even believe that this even happening to me. He's the only parent that I have left and also family member.

He never paid attention to me right after he found out that I was dating a nobody. Someone that was after my money, but the thing is he didn't know I was rich. I guess he just wanted me because of my beauty and also just wanted to sleep with me. Right after he got what he wanted he didn't want anything to do with me. He never kissed me or touched me after I told him that I was pregnant and that my father kicked me out of the house. He had to take care of me even though he didn't want to. He just wanted somebody to make his food and clean the house for he won't have to.

Now that we're finally patching things up he has a brain tumor. I'm so mad that there's nothing anybody can do to prevent him from dying. I don't know if I'll ever be able t accept the fact that my own father is dying. Why didn't he tell me sooner that he was dying? Why did he have to wait until now to tell me?

I'm currently in my room with Josh crying my eyes out. My son is the only person I nee at the moment. After finding out the horrifying news of my father dying from a brain tumor. The news hasn't fully sinked into me yet.

It's really hard to accept it. I won't be able to bare the day that my father dies. My father is the only person that I trust to take care of my son while I'm at work.

Wait a minute Work.




My father hasn't been to work for the past few months. Ever since I forgave him he started hanging out with Natsu most of the time and also taking care of Josh while I'm at work. He hasn't even mentioned work for a workaholic. I should've seen the signs that he was sick just by the way he was acting.

I guess my father stopped working a few months back when he started feeling more tired everyday that past. So he put someone in charge before he stopped working. So each day that passes by he keeps getting weaker. I don't know how to react to all this without freaking out.

Even though my father wasn't there when I figured out that my ex-boyfriend was such a douche bag that didn't even love me. All he wanted was my body. My father has tried everything that he could to make up for all the time we lost. A father should be there through thick and thin with his daughter to take care of her. They shouldn't care about the career that we want to go after. They should only care about us being happy with the career that we choose and that we also love and enjoy what we do. Not something that we hate and will kill us through the inside until we're emotionless out whole lives.

Some fathers only care about the money. That's how mine used to be. The only good thing is that he doesn't care about it that much anymore. Ever since he came back into my life, he seems to care a lot more about me. Now I know why he's been so weird because he really is trying to make amends with me before he goes.

When he dies I'll have no one left to comfort me, I'll be all alone without my father to be here for me. The only person I'll have with me is Josh my little boy.

"Can I come in?" asked Natsu.

"Your father has been trying to tell you that he was dying for months, but he never had enough courage to do so. He was going to tell you a month ago, but then we broke up. So he decided that it wasn't the best time to reveal that kind of news with you. So he waited until we got back together." he said trying to reassure me.

"How am I going to be able to live without him. I know that I lived without him for years, but that was when all he cared about was social standing. Even though he didn't care that much about me, I still cared for him because he is my father. Now that he's dying I'll be all alone without no one to be there for me." I said with a sorrowful tone.

"No your wrong even though you don't believe it all your friends are there for you. They love and deeply care about you that they would support you through anything that you go through. Also I'll always be there for you whenever you need me to." He said with so much emotion.

I can't believe that I have such great boyfriend and friends that would be there for me. I started crying even more, but not from sadness but from happiness that I have people that actually care about me. I never thought that I was ever gonna get friends that actually care about me by the way I am

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