Chapter 19: Gotta go my own way

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"What are you doing here?" Asked Natsu. I guess he didn't know that she was coming back sometime this week. I can't believe that I forgot all about her coming back.

"Well I just graduated and I came back to help out my sister and get back together with you Nnnnaaatttuuuu." She squealed with that annoying voice and tried pushing her breast against his chest, but he pushed her away.

The thing about Lisanna is that nobody likes her. I know I told her sister to give her another chance, but there are certain reasons why I can't. Lisanna has done anything she could do to get everything she wants. She's a spoiled rich kid with no manners. The only person that she's scared of is her sister Mira.

Mira has control of Lisanna's money until she gets married with someone that she deeply loves. Mira could even take away all her moneyif she wanted to. The only reason that she's going after Natsu is for his money not because she loves him. If she loved him she would let him go and let him be happy with who he deeply loved with all his heart even though it would hewart her. Love is when you know that the best thing for the person that you love will be better off and happier with someone else that they truly love.

"Back off Lisanna. I would never get back together with you. I could never be with someone that cheated on me with my best friend. Why would I be with someone that I can't trust to be faithful to me and that would always be looking at other guys with hungry eyes. By the way I'm not single anymore I actually have a girlfriend." said Natsu with so much emotion that I actually felt kinda bad for her, but them I remembered all the things she did and it went away.

"Who is the b**** that stole my precious boyfriend." she said with a deadly voice.

"Lisanna I'm not your boyfriend anymore. Also Lucy is not a b**** she's kind, caring, and respects other people unlike you. I'm not gonna fall into your silly little games anymore. I've already learned my lesson to not trust anything that you say to meabout loving me." he said with so much hatred and an intense glare that could kill her.

"Are you talking about that fat, ugly and good for nothing of a human being? Why would you choose her over me she's fat, ugly and doesn't even know how to even put on any makeup for her to look decent. I'm way prettier than her." she said with so much sas and anger.

"Lucy has never been fat or ugly. She's the most beautiful women that I've ever met in my entire life. She has the most beautiful smile in the whole wide world. Lucy is so much more prettier than you'll ever be in your life. She doesn't disgust me like you do. Your very easy to get to or should I say a loose women, hooker, tramp and a floozy. I don't women like you that perfer to sleep around with other women's man." said Natsu.

-----------------A week Later--------------

One day I'm making my way towards the store because I needed some groceries. As I'm about to turn a corner I hear a girl's voice.

"Come on I know you want me. I'm so much better than that ugly bimbo" she said as she pulled him into a kiss right when I'm turning the corner.

I'm shocked to see Natsu kissing that slut. I drop what I have in my hand which is water bottle. Right when I saw the kiss my heart broke into million little pieces. I thought I finally found a guy that would never betray me, but deep down I always knew that there was a possiblity that he would leave me for someone way better than me.

"Luce." When I heard my name I panicked and ran waya from the scene. I felt my face wet that's when I figured out that I was crying. I don't know how farf I ran, but all I know is that it was alot because I was tired. I stopped at a lonely park. I heard foot steps behind me and I know exactly who it was. I was too tired to run.

"Luce let me expl-"I cut him off.

"Stop I don't need an explanation. Your tired of me and Josh. I know you would get tired of me someday and leave me." I said ith so much emotion.

I couldn't take it anymore. I can't believe he did that. I just thought that he would do the right thing and tell me straight forward i

--Gotta go my own way by Vanessa Hudgens--

I couIdn't take it anymore so ran all the way to my house. I can't believe that he did that to I thought he would be a man and do the right thing and tell me straight to the face instead of going off and kiss another girl especially Lisanna.

Right when I walked through the door my father walked into the livingroom and asked me "What's Wrong sweetheart?"

~Natsu's P.O.V.~


Why did I get backed into a corner by Lisanna. Now Luce won't let me explan what actually happened. I love her so much I can't stand to lose the love of my life all because of Lisanna. She ruined my life once and I'm never gonna let that happen again.

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