Dear Reader

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Hello my wonderful beans! I'm so happy you're all interested in this book or are only staying around until I do their requests. Whichever it is, thanks for opening up this chapter.

I don't like making excuses. It's my least favorite thing to do, especially because I'm a hard worker and take pride in what I do. That being said, I've hit a slump in the road. Not only have I started a new school, I have been going to the gym recently and taking the extra effort to make healthier choices. Being productive in my volunteer work, clubs, other things, has been immensely time consuming.

I'm asking for forgiveness and patience as I start this school year and hopefully things go better. I'm typing this right now at my kitchen table and I'm wiping my nose because I am plagued with the cold my brother brought into this house.

I hope you understand, my loves.


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