Late in the Night (Star Lord/Peter Quill x Reader)

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"Everything is quiet at night. Not 8:30 or 10 but at two and you feel like it's just you in the world. But you're not. Someone else is feeling the same way."

Late in the night

Peter Quill/Star Lord x reader

As the group of misfits that had now saved the Galaxy, and have been given the title Guardians of the Galaxy, you were slightly excited. You lived in the Milano with people who understood you, your humor, mannerisms in constructing weapons out of almost anything. Life had been pretty good. The day life was something you craved.

But you didn't crave the night like you did the day. Ever since you had been given some of the infinity stone's energy, nightmares had been crawling into your brain and imagining the absolute worst possible things. Your room was first down the hall, then everybody else's besides Peter's being in that weird dip. Every morning you'd be up first, going and making sure everybody was alive and well.

"Peter, shouldn't we be going in this direction?" You asked, pointing to the place where Knowhere was. "Or are we doing the whole ninety degree angle thing?"

"I don't know what you're on, Y/N, but we just talked about ten minutes ago that we're no longer going to Knowhere." Peter said, not as an insult but pure concern.

"Oh uh." You cowered back at your stupidity. Trying to avoid the nightmares had been exhausting and maybe it was starting to wear into the day with your crush. "I'm sorry, I'm not focused today, sorry."

"It's fine," Peter smiled a little bit, then looking at the time on his watch, one that you had gifted him after the whole thing with Ronan went down. "Maybe you should go to bed early tonight. The rest of us will just be talking about where to go, nothing too important."

The thought of going to sleep made your whole body tense up. What horrifying images would you see tonight? Seeing it would be harder to convince Peter to let you stay up, you nodded and made your way to the room. It was small but it was good enough to the point where you changed into a large shirt and shorts no problem and crawled into bed. The lights turned off and you prayed that as you drifted off you wouldn't be haunted.

And boy were you wrong. You looked around, suddenly surrounded by the ruins of Xandar. Gamora laid in front of you, her eyes open but no sign of life with blood dried around her neck and arms. "Oh no no no." You knelt, lifting her head into your lap and crying. "Oh god, Gamora... I'm so sorry..." You were interrupted by the movement of rocks, spotting Rocket who was barely breathing. "Rocket!"

You sped over to him, seeing that it was his last moment. "Rocket, shh, shh, stop moving, it'll be okay, I can help." You looked around. "Where's- where's Groot?"

"You don't seem to remember seeing him lit on fire, do you?" He said to you, coughing and then dropping.

"Rocket! No no no." You sobbed, looking around and trying to locate Drax. He laid on top of a pile of rubble, a long sword protruding from his chest and not moving. You heard your name and you saw Peter.

"Peter, hey, I'm right here, I'm right here." You whispered soothingly. Blood was drying in his hair and you cupped Peter's cheeks in your hands. "Peter, please stay. Please stay, I need you." You sobbed, tears cascading down your cheeks.

Peter was gasping, looking up with panicked eyes and it hurt to see him like that. "It's... It's okay... Everybody's gonna say it was..." A cough and blood dribbled down his chin. "Say it was your f-fault... But I don't blame you e-entirely... I blame us for t-trusting you-" The light drifted from his eyes, and you knew he was gone.

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