Home (Star Lord/Peter Quill x Reader)

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Star Lord/Peter Quill x Reader

"Dying isn't bleeding out or going in your sleep. Dying is seeing him happy and bright with someone else. Dying is the feeling of losing all hope and your heart breaking all over again because you wish you had done something different to have him with you."

She jolted awake in bed, tears threatening to spill with every moment she realized that Peter still wasn't there. The other day, she had seen Peter with his team mates. He had that smile, the one where something was off but he still wanted to make sure everybody was okay. The dream had come back to her again and the tears actually fell this time.

"Peter... Peter I'm so sorry." She whispered, and swallowed as she got up, getting in clothes to go out.


It was early in the morning on Xandar. Peter was up and sketching routes to get to a few planets that he thought the Believers were on. As much as he hated them, he needed to figure out the plan. He was distracted, though. Ever since he freaked out on Drax, everybody had been treating him like some fragile baby that would burst into tears if somebody tapped him on the head too hard in duck duck goose.

"Quill," Gamora said from the doorway. "I thought you were in bed hours ago."

Peter sighed, lifting the bottle to signify that alcohol was currently his escape. "Can't. Have to map routes."

"That can wait." Gamora said, sitting across from him. Her eyes were trying to lock onto his, and he just avoided it. His green eyes weren't bright anymore, and the whites of his eyes were now tainted with red streaks to show evidence of his insomnia. "You're not okay."

"Wow, you're just now noticing?" He said with a light laugh. "Haven't been for a while, but I'll get over it."

"Have you ever heard the legend about the god?" Gamora asked.

Another sigh. "What legend?"

"There was a god, whom was blessed with great powers of fire. While he was great with his powers, he was very egotistical. He fell in love with a beautiful human who loved him back. With her in his life, he was more gentle, and better with his powers." Gamora started, "One day, he messed up. Another god challenged him, and he ended up burning a village down. His lady proceeded to leave him, and with her gone, his powers disappeared."

"How is this supposed to make me feel better?" Peter quipped, swallowing thickly.

"It's not, I'm making a point." Gamora snapped back. "Maybe Y/N was your lady. Instead of wallowing in self pity and shame, go find her."

He looked to Gamora, looking concerned. "She wouldn't take me back. She's with somebody else, you saw her."

"You're assuming."

"With good reason."

"Spell assume."

"A-S-S-U-M-E?" Peter quirked an eyebrow.

"Yes, because assuming makes an ass out of you and me." She stood up, sauntering off.


Star Lord/Peter Quill x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now