Found Out (Star Lord/Peter Quill x Reader)

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"Surprises are great. Good or bad, you deal with it and you grow."

Having a job as a protector of the galaxy was slightly more stressful than the average merchant job. Getting into nasty battles and then patching each other up after was starting to become routine. Exhausting, but extremely rewarding. Plus, you couldn't complain about the other Terran on the ship who was not horrible looking at all.

Surprisingly enough, you met Peter at a bar one night, in the shady parts of Xandar that resembled Terra's Vegas, as you had read in books before, with the few that you had access to. The next morning, you woke up in bed with him, rings on your fingers. At first, you both freaked and insisted a divorce was immediately required. Then, a group of Ronan's old troops had found Peter. You helped him take them out no problem, with your electric shock throwing knives handy at all times. The two of you kept putting off the divorce papers due to an actual kindling of romance blooming between you two.

So here you were, in the Milano with your husband and the team. A few months ago, you went in to get a physical after a rough fight and needing more than a couple stitches. However, when they asked you if there was any possibility of you being pregnant, you couldn't deny. One test later and you discovered another Terran would be growing inside of you. You had told Peter immediately, only being eight weeks along.

But you never told the rest of the group.

You were pushing four and a half months, having to get all new bras and baggier t-shirts to hide the bump. Peter had been making excuses for you not going on small missions. He was getting stricter about you even leaving the Milano.

"Peter, if we're gonna tell them, it should be soon. We can't tell them when I'm forcing this baby out of my body." You said to him one night, hand touching the delicate bump. He rested his hand next to yours.

"I know, but I want to keep you here. I am sure that you're safe with me and the second they find out-" Peter started, then feeling the flutters of movement from his child, stopped.

"Listen. It doesn't have to be a big production. It can be that I start wearing tighter clothes, or that I leave prenatal vitamins out." You reassured, leaning up to kiss him softly. "But we can't keep it a secret much longer." Feeling your slight frustration and not wanting to make you awfully upset, with an addition of your convincing kiss and his child's movement, he reluctantly agreed.

A few mornings later, you had slept in to everyone else's annoyance, but slipped on a shirt that was a little tight. God, your breasts had gotten massive since you got pregnant. Shrugging, you put on shorts and made your way out to the common area. Everybody was munching on some sort of food, and Peter greeted you with a large grin and a small plate of breakfast and vitamins on the side.

You could sense that Rocket wanted to say something really bad. His ear twitched when something made him mad, or frustrated. Gamora looked less annoyed, but still lost as to why you had suddenly gained royal treatment and got to slack off. "Good morning." You called lightly.

"Ah, hush." Rocket snapped.

You put your hands up as a sign of defense, taking the pills and then starting to eat as the heavy thuds of Drax's boots radiated to everybody's ears. "You want to say something, Rocket?" You said back, more teasing this time. Maybe it would make him more mad.

"Why the hell have you been-"

"Y/N, have you noticed your weight gain in your torso, recently?" Drax said, not even subtly trying to look you over in a concerned way. About to say something in return, Drax continued. "Especially your Terran breasts seem to be swollen."

That was it.

You and Peter both burst out laughing, leaning on each other as the comment threw you both into hysterical laughter. You were sure that your stomach would hurt even more once you were done laughing. Slowly calming down, you looked up after Peter wiped a stray tear from your eye. You then openly grabbed his hand, setting it over the now exposed bump.

"Good job, Drax. You made me laugh so hard that the baby's kicking now." You said loudly, causing everybody's head to snap over to you.

"The what?" Rocket exclaimed, in a sort of mixed yell of anger and surprise.

"The baby." You repeated. "I'm almost five months pregnant." You laughed a little bit.

Gamora had wandered over, eyebrows furrowed and standing next to Drax. "You're... Carrying the child in your body?"

"Yeah, that's how Terran's work." Peter smiled. Drax pulled him up, congratulating him loudly and firmly with what looked like a painful hug.

"Quill, you have succeeded in not being as pathetic as I thought you were." Drax said, lifting him up. Peter seemed to be in some sort of pain, and Gamora reached forward, asking you silently to touch the mound.

"Put my husband down, I need him for when the baby gets here." You teased, Baby Groot starting to wander over to the edge of the table and now sitting on your lap and feeling like everybody else seemed to be doing. It felt weird.

"Rocket?" You said curiously, looking to the raccoon who seemed still in shock. "You okay there?"

"Uh, yeah. Guess it just explains why you've been slacking off and Quill's been a complete dumb ass." Rocket huffed, crossing his arms, tail flicking up.

"... You wanna feel?" You asked, knowing he would either comply or probably head off to his room to pout with Baby Groot. His paw was tiny but hesitant as he came over, a kick coming almost at the perfect time. "Cool, right?" You smiled.

A pause.

"... Yeah, I guess it is kind of cool."

You stood up slowly, smiling at Peter. "Your dancing child hates me." You laughed, kissing him softly once everybody dispersed a short hour later.

"They do not. They just know you're happy so they're happy." Peter bubbled, kneeling so he was eye level. "Kid, I need your mom not to be a kickboxing ring all the time." He pressed a cheek to his stomach. "Ow!" He moved away, cradling his cheek.

"She got you didn't she?" You said, even though you didn't know the gender.

"He did get me." Peter stuck his tongue out.

"Oh it's a bet now." You smirked, grinning more.

"Hey, at least everybody else finally found out." Peter exclaimed, distracting you with a polite, chaste kiss.

"You're stupid." You teased back. "I love you, Star Lord."

"I love you, Star Lady, and our Star Baby." Peter said, patting your belly one more time with a kiss.

Star Lord/Peter Quill x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now