Ninja (Star Lord/Peter Quill x Reader)

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Sorry this took so long!

"It's weird, because for a minute, I didn't see you. I didn't swing into love immediately, but rather I merely saw the features I liked. But then I saw you and realized that I noticed you all along."

"This is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy." You muttered to yourself as your quick feet made it onto the metal boards of the ship. The batteries you had taken while the ever so famous Guardians of the Galaxy fought off a monster who wanted the same jewels you did- only you succeeded. When you did creep on to the massive ship, you expected Drax to spin around and say something but nothing happened. All of them were too focused on each other and Nebula to bother their senses with noticing you.

"Pull yourself together Kate. You've done this before, it should be a piece of cake." You muttered to yourself and snuck behind where Nebula was. Your legs were suddenly trembling, erasing the neat pattern of the soft footsteps you had. Slowly you sat down and spotted a dart lodged in the side of your boot. The gold was unmistakable- the Sovereign. "You've gotta be kidding... me..." You let your head drift back, eyes closed, and let the music of the Milano lull you to a medicine induced sleep.

It was less than two hours that you felt the whole ship shake you awake. Nebula was staring down at you, with those stubborn, irritable eyes of hers. "Tell me why I shouldn't tell them of your presence right now."

"Because I personally don't feel like having my throat ripped out by your sister," you swallowed thickly and licked your teeth. "I just needed a ride to," you glanced at your watch, switching it to map settings, "twenty feet from here, so thanks but I'm going to leave anyways." You did a makeshift salute while attempting to stand.

You hissed at a pain coursing from the root of where the needle had been, pulling the laces of your boots eagerly. Tears had burned their way to your eyes as you spotted a purple and red rash, swelling your ankle and foot to a soft, throbbing burn. "I can do this, I can do this."

The ship was loud at the front, and so were its controllers. There were yells of protest and agreement of the team, swerving at the shooting of another ship. Multiple actually. Transferring through a few cliques, the Milano had been surrounded by the Sovereign.

"Return the batteries, the rat-animal, and the woman, and we will not kill you as painfully as we should." The main one threatened as you slowly stood up. The Milano then lurched forward, loudly and quickly making its way to the meteor field. You stumbled, no strength in your leg and collapsing as Drax floated out to the back. You screamed and held on to the ledge, thinking that this would be the end of you. Your death would be in space. You wouldn't return home to your family, you wouldn't be gray and old with somebody you loved. You would be here.

A hand was put on your forearm, and you noticed the familiar flush of green that it was Gamora. You used all the strength you could muster up and laid there up in the safety, holding on to a handle attached to the seat. The warrior was pulling Drax in through the horrendous meteor field and felt them all rush back to the ground of an unfamiliar planet. You suddenly felt nauseous and laid your head down to pass out yet again.

"Kate Elizabeth Collins," Rocket read out loud, shuffling through your wallet. You heard your full name and woke slowly, sitting up,

"Woah, easy there, Kate, I got you." Peter Quill smiled at you gently, soothing the pain that wracked your body. Your boots had been removed and you were laying on a bunched up version of your jacket and his. "You were hit with a dart when you took the batteries, which, by the way, was really risky and ruined our efforts."

"'M sorry..." You mumbled back, your eyes flickering to his green ones, who paused to marvel at your undeniable beauty. "Ah," you gasped at the sudden pouring of liquid on your wound, fumbling to find something to hold on to, and muffling your cries of pain.

"You're lucky it wasn't ripe." Gamora nodded at you with the remains of the odd fruit that Nebula had been determined to get earlier. "The poison should flush out within the hour." She nodded and wandered off to tend to her annoying sister who was still making threats to kill Gamora.

"Why'd you sneak onto the Milano?" Peter inquired as he helped you sit up, feeling your nervousness radiate.

"I had to get a way out of there. My ship piloted a short ways from the Sovereign and I was hit with this thing-" you referenced the rash that crept up your body. "So I missed it, but my ship should be able to find me."

"You're a freakin' ninja, Kate. You know that? None of us noticed you until Drax was being yanked out of the ship." He praised with that adorable smile of his.

"Oh uh," you flushed. "I guess if you're a thief, you have to be, right?" You noticed that earlier, your hand had found something to grasp- his forearm. "Gotta find some way to eat, right?"

"IT'S NOT RIPE," Rocket bellowed in laughter, a few feet away. Gamora had already done her scolding to Rocket.

"Next time, Quill, think with your head, not what's between your legs." She snarled, and you couldn't help but laugh a little bit at the banter between them.

"I have to agree, that's a frequent problem with men." You tilted your head to the side. "And I suppose raccoons too." You laughed.

Peter flushed when he looked at you again. God, you were so beautiful, funny, and let's be honest, a ninja. He suddenly pulled you in for a gentle kiss while you echoed his movements in return. Your hand was wound in his hair and his hand was on your waist, drawing you in for more. You burned red when he pulled away.

"What was that for?"

"For being a beautiful badass ninja."

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