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"You don't have to do this Carmen, please." I hear him beg for his life as I held my hand out to him, I didn't want this but I had too.

"You betrayed me. I loved you and this is how I'm repaid. You will suffer like I did." I said holding my head high as I stared him down.

I opened up my eyes fast, jolting slightly in my sleepy state before groaning for moving too fast. I brought my hand to my wound instinctively as I took a couple deep breathes, putting my head in my hands.

"Hey, you're awake." I hear and I look up to see my mum walking in, "Everything alright?"

"Have you seen Brett?"

"Yeah, he left this morning when I came in to check you two. He didn't want to wake you. He did say he was going to come back later to see you again."

"Okay cool."

"You and Brett seem to be getting along." Mum says smirking at me and I chuckled nodding my head.

"Yeah well it took some time."

"Are you sure you're okay?" She says looking at me and I knew it was better not to lie making me sigh.

"Just- just my memories of what happened coming back."

"You're off your meds again."

"I tried okay, but I don't know mum they aren't working." I said, gulping as I feel tears coming, "Why am I like this? I thought I buried it."

"Oh honey burying it isn't going to help. What happened was unfair to you but trying to ignore it isn't going to work because it will keep popping up if you don't do anything about it."

"Like what? Because I've tried it all, I've tried the meds, I've tried the therapy, I've even tried magic but it won't go away. I just want it all to stop because if it doesn't then the fear seeps in and I'm back there...with him." I said, clenching my jaw as I felt a tear fall from my eye. Mum comes over to me lifting my head making me look at her as she wipes the tear from my face.

"You are strong. It won't always be like this, you have people you can lean on now even though that's hard for you. You'll always have me." Mum says giving me a small smile and I smiled up at her. There was a knock on the door, I looked over to see Stephanie walking in with flowers.

"Hey." She says giving me a small smile and I pursed my lips looking at her.

"I'll come check on you later." Mum says kissing my head making me nod my head, she walks past Stephanie giving her a small smile before she leaves.

"Is Selena with you?"

"No, she's back in New Orleans. She's consulting with the coven with the reappearances Sean has been giving, so they're going to see what they can do."

"You didn't go with her?" I said, raising an eyebrow and she snickers shaking her head.

"They don't need my help." Stephanie says and I nodded, I looked in my lap at my hands as I fiddled with them, "She's okay, you know."


"I know what Selena did was not okay but I also know you want to ask if she's okay. She's fine, she mainly blames herself for pushing you like that."

"I nearly killed her Steph." I said, not looking up at her just yet as I gulped, "I don't know how to explain it but it happened again when we were fighting the hunters, I usually have to utter a spell but-,"

"But you're powerful." She says and I looked up at her, feeling the urge to cry again.

"I felt it Steph. It was over bearing, it felt like the first time I discovered my powers but- but it was so much more now. I was angry and it acted on that. The only time I've felt this was when I was with Sean."

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