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"I'm not sharing my basement." Malia says sternly looking at us and I chuckled lightly.

Right now I was outside Beacon Hills High, we were having a meeting between the buses. I found out when I got home last night that Scott bit a freshman and his wound healed. Also finding out he kidnapped said kid and tied him up.

I found the boys on the floor near the door, tackling one another, I asked them what happened and once they told me I slapped the both of them.

"Actually, it's my basement and my mum saw how you tore it up last time." Lydia replies looking at Malia.

"Alright, she's still learning." Stiles defends Malia, putting a hand on her back comforting her.

"We are going to use the boat house for Liam. It's got support beams, we can chain him to one of them." Scott said and I frowned looking at him.

"How do we get him out there? Because he does not trust you guys at all." I said snickering making Scott look at me.

"I know I said you could be here, but a little less on the commentary would be nice."

"You know what also would be nice, coming back to Beacon Hills with no drama. But alas, you bit a kid."

"I saved his life, which by the way I could've died." Scott says and I rolled my eyes looking back at the pack.

"I leave for a month and you idiots get yourselves into this mess. So much for having a normal year." I said, and just as Scott goes to say something Stiles speaks up getting back on topic.

"Well, I say if it keeps him from murdering someone, we just chloroform the little bastard and throw him in the lake." Stiles suggests shrugging his shoulders and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I'm in." Malia says agreeing with Stiles and I looked at them.

"Match made in heaven with you two." I said, sarcasm dripping from my words making Stiles glare at me while Malia who was still getting the hang of everything smiles at me.

"We are not killing anyone." Scott says, getting the topic back up.

"Let's be smart about this. We tell him it's a party and invite him."

"So, you're going to ask out a freshman?"

"No, I'm done with teenage boys." Lydia says and I snickered making her give me a look before looking at Kira, "If we're going to play a trick, why don't we use the trickster." We all looked at Kira now and she shakes her head.

"No, what? Me?"

"You're our only chance at this."

"Why can't you do it?" Kira says looking at me and I scoffed looking at her, seeing if she was kidding. She wasn't.

"I am not asking out a freshman, I don't even go to this school."

"You can flirt better than me and you're more confident."

"How- in what way was that supposed to make me feel better?" I said, narrowing my eyes at her and she sighs.

"Please." She asked and I looked to see now the pack looking at me, I scoffed looking at them.

"The things I do for you people. What does this kid even look like?"

"He's short, blonde hair, has an annoying face that makes you want to punch it." Stiles says and I rolled my eyes laughing at him.

"Turn." I said, looking at Scott who frowns turning slowly and I opened up his bag to grab out his textbook.

"What are you-," Scott starts but I ignored him making my way into the school just as the bell went signalling some class was over. I give myself a quick look over in the window of the school doors, I wore my jumper over my uniform and I smoothed down my skirt.

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