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I was taken home by Stephanie who was in the midst of everyone who was nearly set a blaze tonight. I didn't bother talking to anyone, I sat quiet the entire trip home and once we got inside I got to my room.

I sat on my bed with my eyes set forward not looking at anything in particular, as the events of tonight on repeat in my head. It's like I didn't know what to do, my head was clear but it still felt hazy. I felt someone touch me making me draw back snapping out as I looked to see Stephanie and Lydia in front of me.

"Hey." Lydia says and I could see she was teary eyed, I could feel the tears coming as I looked at her.

"It was my fault wasn't it?"


"It was my fault. I was drinking. I don't drink ever you know because of my dad. I-I was just drinking too fast. He-He gave me a cup, I know better than to take drinks from strangers, right?"

"Carmen, it wasn't your fault." Stephanie says shaking her head and I just gulped.

"I-I was drinking too fast. I bumped into him, I spilled my drink on his shirt. He seemed normal but-but I should've known, right?"

"He drugged you Carmen."

"Yeah but that wouldn't have happened if-if I wasn't so stupid. I was stupid. I'm stupid!" I screamed as I got up making them both stumble back, "Why-Why didn't I fight harder! I should've fought harder!"

I felt my powers get the best of me as I screamed out, levitating things in the air making them being thrown around. It was like I had all this anger in my chest that needed to come out, I felt everything in the room get windy.

"Carmen, look at me. It's not your fault." Lydia says coming over to me grabbing my arm, tears rolling down her face, "It is not your fault." I looked at her and I felt everything stop as I broke down in her arms uncontrollably. I could feel her crying as well as she wraps her arms around me.

I don't know how long I had been in Lydia's arms but after that she leads me over to the bathroom. Stephanie had drawn me a bath and I was helped into the bathroom, both girls left as I undressed myself.

I get into the bath sitting in it and bringing my legs up to my chest hugging myself. I could hear voices coming from the room as I sat there, before the door opens up. Lydia walks in teary eyed as she sits beside the bath, I hear her sniffling.

She just sits beside me in silence as I sat there with tears pouring down my face. She gets a wash cloth wetting it as she carefully takes my arm and wipes me down. I sat there not saying anything as she continues to do so.

She gets to my shoulders and I feel her get towards my neck but I grabbed her hand to stop her. I finally looked at her feeling myself start to cry again and she gives me a knowing look nodding her head slowly.

I finished the rest getting out of the bath not wanting to sit there any longer, I changed into long pants and a hoodie. I get into the room seeing Scott sitting on the bed, he looks up and I tried giving him a faint smile.

"Hey, I just came over to check on you." Scott says and I could hear a waver in his voice as he spoke.

"I'm okay." I said, my voice coming out as a whisper and Scott gets up from the bed, tears in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry Carmen. I-I tried to get to you as fast as I could."

"It's okay Scott."

"It's not okay, my sister needed me and I-I couldn't help you." Scott says getting angry and I knew he wasn't angry at me.

"I'm sorry." I said, looking at him and his eyes looked at me. I could feel my bottom lip quiver and he brings me into his chest letting me cry into him.

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