A Downpour that Results in me Finally Receiving a Straight Answer

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Of course, with my luck, it would rain out the Harry Potter showing in the park. I would pull the whole "bad things happen to good people" line, but I'm not so sure how good I am, and also, it isn't like I died or something. Rain wasn't so bad. More inconvenient and annoying than anything.

So there we were, utterly immersed in Harry's first Quidditch match, when a downpour comes out of nowhere. People scattered everywhere, and Flynn and I dove for the nearest shelter that apparently everyone else had forgotten about - the gazebo.

It was dark, it was cold, we were wet and freezing. But for some reason, Flynn was laughing about it. Probably because he's crazy.

"What?" I demanded as he cackled like the weirdo he is, while I stood shivering in the frigid air, glaring at him.

He only laughed at the face I was making. "Come on, Alison, you gotta admit, this is kinda fun."

"No, it's not, because I'm freezing my ass off!" I retorted, vigorously rubbing my arms, trying to stimulate some heat. But considering my hands were basically ice, it didn't do much good.

"Oh, here," he said, slipping off his coat and holding it out to me. I took it eagerly, not realizing when I accepted his offering that it smelled so much like him. Like weird coconut shampoo and chocolate chip cookies.

We sat cross legged on the floor of the gazebo as the rain fell ever harder, with no sign of letting up anytime soon, our only light coming from a lamppost just outside.

I felt better now that I had a decent coat on. God, I swear. Boys' clothes are made so much more practically than girls' clothes.

"So...." Flynn clapped his hands together, looking over at me, "what shall we do to pass the time?"

"Twenty questions?" I asked, surprising myself with a good idea for once. "Or, you know, however many questions we can think to ask each other, anyway."

"Sure, uh, you first," Flynn said, scooting just a little closer to me, so close that his left knee almost touched my leg, so close that I could feel the heat of it radiating onto me.

And I knew just what to ask. "What did you tell the lady at Holy Grounds?" I asked, grinning slyly. He had to tell me now.

"Umm..." he scratched at his chin, giving me a mischievous look that made me doubt whether he'd give me a straight answer or not, "I think I'll pass on that one, if you don't mind."

My eyes narrowed in anger. "Yes, I do mind! You have to tell me!" I thundered, making him laugh.

"Look. I'll pass for now and then I'll have to answer it later, okay?" He assured me after receiving my death stare.

"Later like tonight later, or a year from now later?" I demanded, my hands flying to my hips. This boy was just too exasperating!

"Tonight later," he said, "after all, I have to obey the Terms and Agreements."

"Okay, well, now you have to ask me a question," I said, my voice still sharp and angry-sounding.

He was thoughtful for a moment before he finally asked, "do you really think we'll still hang out a year from now?" Even in the near darkness, and despite the playful tone of his voice, I could tell by the look on his face that this was, indeed, a very serious question.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, all kinds of things could happen in a year. Like I could inherit a ring from my crazy uncle Bilbo and go on some cross country quest, or you could win tickets to a ship in a poker game, but your good luck turns out to be your doom."

Terms and Agreements (on hold indefinitely)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz