The Part Where Goblet of Fire Becomes a Reality (I Protest!)

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"What?!" I thundered, which caused everyone to stare at me. "WHAT?!"

Murmuring spread throughout the crowd, stuff like, "that's Alison Juarez?" And "who is she?" Or "is she new here?" Like I said, hardly anyone knew me, and less than hardly knew my name. So how did I wind up in that godforsaken bowl?

"Jenna, is there something you need to tell me?" I asked, my suspicion made absolutely crystal clear in my voice.

"Ali! How could you think for a minute that I put your name in there?" She gasped, "I know how much you dislike this thing, I wouldn't make you participate in it."

She seemed to be telling the truth, and I immediately regretted suspecting her. "I'm sorry," I said, "I just don't know what to think!"

"I understand," she replied graciously. I didn't deserve her.

"Come on, Alison, get up here," Mr. Hot Stuff, or shall I say, Flynn, called from the stairs. There was something in his voice, like he was taunting me.

I marched up to him and, fuming, I verbally slapped him across the face. "YOU!!" I wanted so badly to physically slap him across the face, but tried to control myself.

He laughed heartily. So he was enjoying this, huh? "FLYNN DID YOU PUT MY NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE?!!" I asked (calmly). "You put my name in the Goblet of Fire, didn't you?!" People started laughing.

He nodded while still laughing, his shoulders shaking. This was so not right. He was going to pay for this. I didn't know how at the time, but I was determined to figure it out.

Emerson was standing there, looking pissed that she hadn't been picked. Well, at least I got one good thing out of the whole ordeal - the opportunity to piss off a cheerleader who had spent her days making snide comments about my height. And I wasn't even that uncommonly tall for a girl.

Jason cleared his throat, signaling for us to be quiet. It took a minute, but once everyone was settled down, he held up a box that said "Tasks".

"The votes are in, and the first task is...." He pulled a paper out of the box, glanced at it, then, "for our two participants to make out at the selection party!"

I felt nauseous as everyone whooped and hollered like a pack of wild dogs. I caught sight of Jenna standing in the crowd, her eyes angry. Apparently she didn't like this anymore than I did.

I turned to Flynn to protest, and he looked a bit distressed. Good. "There's no way in hell I'm making out with you!" I screamed at him. Yuck.

I heard Emerson gasp, "then perhaps we should draw another name, since she's unwilling to complete the first task." Several girls screamed that they volunteered, one added "as tribute".

"Yes, please do," I said, glaring past Flynn to Jason, who shrugged.

"Sorry, rules are rules. Whoever gets picked has to participate."

I can really relate to poor Harry when some jerk put his name in the Goblet, now that I've had some jerk put my name in a stinking bowl. The bowl could've at least been on fire!

"Then just draw a new task!" I ordered, my brown eyes flashing.

Jason shrugged again. "Sorry."

"This is ludicrous, I'm not doing it!" I roared. They couldn't make me. I decided to leave. And I tried to. But Flynn caught my arm.

He wasn't looking at me, he was looking at Jason. "Fine, we'll do it, but not in front of everybody." With these words, he started pulling me up the stairs.

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