Terrible Acting that is Somehow Convincing and Some Self-Righteous Idiots

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So now that Flynn knew about "The Rumor", I felt like a great weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Well, sort of.

Because now, almost every time we looked at each other, we both started turning pink. Which really only fed the fire of the rumor, to be honest.

I was passing by the lunch line on Thursday when this guy turned, looked at me with his stupid face, and said one of the most ignorant things I've ever been told directly: "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"

I stopped, at first too surprised to speak. I'm sure my eyes were as big as Dobby's, and my mouth open as wide as a Dementor's, but then again, how was I supposed to react?

Only a second later, however, and very abruptly I might add, an excellent comeback fell into my mind, and I replied.

"No, but it sure did hurt when I crawled up from hell." It was quite genius, if I do say so myself. And it shut him right up. And gave me something to smile about for a few minutes. Or seconds, rather.

I walked to my table, where Wes and Jenna already sat, trying to ignore the stares as I passed by other tables occupied by gossiping adolescents.

Now I really, really knew how Harry felt when his name was drawn from the Goblet of Fire and he was forced into the Triwizard Tournament. But at least Wes wasn't mad at me and Jenna didn't have to carry resentful messages between the two us like an owl.

I settled into my chair, which was across from Jenna, and Wes always sat beside her. This chair was "my spot". A little bit like Sheldon Cooper's side of the couch, but I wasn't so anal about it.

I was just pulling my sandwich out of its wrappings, when guess who showed up? Why, Mr. Hot Stuff, of course. And, obviously, people stared at our table. But it seemed, that this time, it wasn't out of pure adoration for the incredible Flynn Tyler that they stared, but more of an angry - or curious - vibe. The girls looked angry, the guys looked more curious, or just had stupid "yeah, bro, you tap that?" kind of expressions on their faces. Assholes.

"Hey," Flynn said, not looking at me but turning a pale pink anyway.

"What's with the blushing?" Jenna asked. Seriously, she can be really bashful around a person, but if there's something she wants to know, she never beats around the bush.

"Um...." Flynn's eyes looked a bit frantic. Which gave me an idea.

"Your eyes look a bit glassy - do you have a fever?" I blurted robotically. Fortunately, however, my less-than-stellar acting was accepted by Wes and Jenna as genuine.

"Oh no, maybe you should go see the nurse?" Jenna suggested, a look of concern passing over her face.

"Or go home so you won't give whatever it is to the rest of us," I said, and Flynn looked at me in surprise and annoyance, like 'you know I don't really have a fever, don't throw me out'.

"Ali, don't be rude," Wes scolded me, "it's obvious he's not feeling well."

Really? My friends disappoint me, falling for such a fragile lie as this. Oh well, they're obviously blinded by the radiance of Flynn's supposed "greatness".


The guy closest to Flynn opened his mouth to say something, but never got the chance.

Flynn's fist connected with his teeth, sending him stumbling backward into the bodies of his cronies, who pushed him back onto his feet.

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