The Alison: An Unexpected Emergency and the Interruption of my Movie Watching

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When I went to school on Monday, no one said anything. It was pretty normal, actually. But it probably had something to do with the fact that the students were afraid of the teachers finding out about their sick little game.

I was at my locker between classes when Flynn showed up beside me. "Hello," he said, grinning. And of course everyone was staring.

"Nope," I said simply, and, grabbing my books, I turned on my heel and marched in the opposite direction. I didn't want to talk to him. He's the one that got me into this whole mess. How was I going to get back at him? I guess I could tell everyone his thing was really small. But I couldn't bring myself to say it aloud. And who was I going to tell, anyway? Jenna wasn't a gossip, and Wes wouldn't spread something like that. I also didn't want people to think we'd actually gone all the way.

The week passed uneventfully, until the Saturday rolled around. This was when the next tasks were going to be given out. Apparently, this time, they were going to be solo tasks, one for me, one for Flynn. He'd tried to talk to me again during that week, but I hadn't given him a chance.

I was dragged back to Emerson Blakely's house by Jenna, who said that I should participate and get it over with, but she had my back.

I was glad that this time, at least I wouldn't have to do anything with that loathsome Flynn Tyler. I strongly disliked him at this point, and didn't want to give him the time of day.

Again, a large crowd was gathered in the living room, all being obnoxiously loud and stupid. Emerson and Jason were up on the stairs again, with the box that had "Tasks" scrawled across the side.

"Okay, people!" Jason called, and everyone turned their attention to him, "let's get this done!" I cringed mentally at his improper English as Emerson reached into the box and pulled out a piece of paper.

"This is Alison Juarez's task," she said, and with a small 'ahem', she read, "'have someone besides your friends stay overnight at your house'. Ooh that's a good one!"

Everyone cheered, except for me and Jenna. Wes was out with that Chase fellow he'd met at the last party and skipped this whole thing. I was quite envious.

Jenna squeezed my hand and whispered to me, "don't worry, I'll find someone trustworthy."

I nodded, gulping and still staring the stairs. This was all so stupid. Why would they make somebody do something like that?

"And now for Flynn Tyler's task," Emerson said with excitement, looking in the direction of Flynn, who was standing in the doorway to the kitchen, sipping a beer. Everyone peered back at him, and he raised the bottle before bringing it back to his smirking lips. His mannerisms appeared casual, but his eyes looked a bit frantic in my opinion.

I looked back at Emerson to see her drawing a paper from the box. She handed the box to Jason before opening the folded paper. She gazed at the slip for a moment before saying, "Kiss a guy."

Wow. These people are insane. I have to let a stranger stay in my house, and Flynn has to kiss a dude. Pleasant. That'd be like me trying to kiss a girl....ergh. (Nothing against girls who want to kiss girls, because to them it's not gross. But I'm about as straight as Kansas is flat)

But for all me and these random idiots know, Flynn could actually want to kiss a dude, so...anyway.


Jenna and I went through a list of her friends that I'd never really met the next day, but I didn't make a decision.

I didn't know how I was going to explain this to my parents. I kept procrastinating, and soon it was Friday night, and I had to have my stupid task completed by the next evening, when the next tasks would be announced.

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