An Introduction to a Story Unlike any Other I've ever Written

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Welcome to this story of mine! Thanks for taking a peek at it! 😄

Anyway, as the title above states, this is different from any other story I've ever written, so I don't know if I'm doing it right or whatever, but it is pretty funny...and I promise it's worth reading!

Mostly it's the whole "bad boy" thing I'm not so sure about, because I like good guys and so bad boys are hard for me to write, but I guess the character in this story is a Hybrid good/bad boy. I don't know, hehe....

I came up with the idea for it laying in bed one night not able to sleep and it just....fell into my brain. So here it is.

Comment, vote, share...I want to hear from you guys!

Please, enjoy, and by all means, make note of all the sarcasm within this piece of literature.

~ Brie ❤️ (10/29/16)

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