Utter Confusion Caused by Stupid Weird Teenage Hormones

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At lunch, Flynn came striding across the cafeteria with tray in hand, only to plop down beside me at the table that Wes, Jenna, and I always shared. People at other tables gave quizzical glances in our direction. Yay, attention. (Please note the sarcasm)

Jenna stopped eating altogether. Wes ate very slowly. And both of them couldn't take their eyes off of our visitor. Unless, of course, he looked in their direction, in which case they immediately focused on something far off in the distance or started picking at their plates as they became unusually interested in the food they weren't eating.

Flynn didn't really say anything, he just sat down beside me, and with a polite nod of greeting to all of us, he started eating. A lot. And really fast.

As I ate my routine lunch of a peanut butter sandwich that I always brought to school, I watched him tear into the cafeteria food with the ravenousness of a hungry wolf.

Eventually I said, "Slow down, you'll ruin your digestion."

"Mmm...." he shook his head, his dark hair falling into his eyes, his mouth too full to speak.

I shrugged. "Fine, have it your way then."

I kept looking at him as he stuffed his face, and had the sudden, absurd urge to move the hair out of his eyes. I quickly turned back to my meal and shoved the thought out of my mind. Or tried to. Why did I want to brush the hair out of his face? His hair was always in his face, and I had never wanted to fix it before, so why now?

Again, I just decided to stop worrying about it and tried to focus on eating my sandwich.

Stupid weird teenage hormones. Ugh.


After school, I headed out to my car, followed by Jenna and Wes, who both wanted to go costume shopping.

Upon reaching my vehicle, I found a Walmart bag hanging from the driver's side mirror, and upon further inspection, I discovered that it contained my Star Wars shirt. And a note.

Jenna and Wes were settling down in the car as I opened my door and sank into the driver's seat, digging the note out of the bag.

"What's that?" Jenna asked from the passenger seat, nodding toward the bag.

"My Star Wars shirt," I replied, tossing the bag into the backseat before unfolding the note.


I didn't answer as I read the note: "Don't worry, I washed it. - Mr. Hot Stuff"

I grinned and shook my head, refolding the note and stuffing it in my pocket so Jenna wouldn't read it.

"What? What's funny?" She asked.

Wes piped up from the back seat. "Yeah. What, Ali?"

"None of your business," I replied, cranking the car. "So, where do you want to go first?"


Hours later, when Wes and Jenna had finally found the costumes of their low-budget dreams - Jenna was going to be a female version of the Mad Hatter, and Wes had decided on a pirate - we were walking across the park - a shortcut to my car - when Wes suddenly stopped and pointed.

"Hey look, Ali, it's Flynn," he said, and when I looked over, sure enough, there was Flynn sitting under the gazebo, and beside him was his niece, Tilly.

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