Chapter Eleven

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   The day went by so quickly that Preston couldn't believe he was standing outside the school. He didn't have much planned for the afternoon, so he boarded the bus like normal. He pulled out his phone, going through some missed messages in the group chat. While doing so, a new message came in.

🎩MagicBoi💫: Hey Preston, you alright? You've been quiet all day.
🎭DramaQueen™: Haha, what? I'm fine! Peachy, in fact!
SecretlyaSorceror: Never thought that you could tell someone's lying through text.
🎩MagicBoi💫: Ikr
🎭DramaQueen™: Guys, I'm serious! I just came down from yesterday's caffeine high.
SecretlyaSorceror: Mhm
SecretlyaSorceror: Sure
🎭DramaQueen™: You're not going to make me crack.
🎩MagicBoi💫: So you admit something's up?
🎭DramaQueen™: ... Fuck.

   Preston had been trying to forget second period all day. Even to the point he didn't socialize with Max after the teen had woken him up. Sure, he may still have a crush on the boy, but it's been way too soon. "Sadly, this is not some dramatic and cliche romance novel," he reminded himself. His phone vibrated again.

SecretlyaSorceror: At least tell us the genre.
🎭DramaQueen™: What?
SecretlyaSorceror: Shit. Not the best way to say it.
SecretlyaSorceror: What's the category of your problem?
🎭DramaQueen™: I still don't follow.
🎩MagicBoi💫: I got you, Nerris.
🎩MagicBoi💫: Is it family? Friends? Classes? Hell, social media?
🎩MagicBoi💫: Just give us something to go off of.
SecretlyaSorceror: Thx
🎩MagicBoi💫: Np

   Preston sighed out loud before typing a reply.

🎭DramaQueen™: Alright, you got me. I had an embarrassing childhood memory in second period and it's all I've been able to think about.
🎩MagicBoi💫: We've all been there.
SecretlyaSorceror: ^ Amen to that

   The teen's stop finally came and he bid goodbye to his friends on the chat.

   "Thank god they didn't push further," he thought with relief. He went inside, said hi to his mom, and sped off to his room to work on a topic for drama club tomorrow.


A/N: I forgot to mention this in the last chapter, but this book just hit over 1K reads and 200 votes! Wow! I honestly didn't think this would do well... But thank you all for making this possible!

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