I Was Saved By BLACK VEIL BRIDES!?! - Chapter 7

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Hiya! :D


Dedicated to AmIReallyHere because she is getting REVIVED IN THIS UPLOAD!! :)

Hope you guys enjoy this :D

- Keep Shining <3

Melissa xoxoxo




All of a sudden we heard an ear piercing screech from downstairs, My eyes widened at the thought of Terra finding CC being well CC. "You stay here!" I commanded to them, I sprinted down to the bathroom in the far end of my house. "CASSIA! CASSIA! CAAASSSSIA!!!" Terra voice rang through my ears, echoing off the walls. 


I found her with her back to me and CC holding a feather duster scared out of his wits towards her.


FEATHER DUSTER!! That's what CC meant by feathers


"I am the cleaner yeah" CC finally said, but it was in a Jamiacan accent. Yes Jamaican, CC's not Jamiacan even a two year old could see that. Then again Terra's not too bright so she'll buy it, I think. "Oh that's why the van was there, It's the cleaners!" She gasped. "BTW you might want to vacuum better there's cookie crumbs everywhere" She added, Thanks Jake.


"Hey look at the time! It's getting late" I chime in, checking my wrist for the watch that doesn't exist.


"You're right, I need to go anyways"


Phew that was close!


                        Chapter 7

"Chicken Nugget, why did you tell us to hide from that girl?" CC asked me, again with that nickname.

I guess I should tell them all now. 

"I'll tell you with the guys upstairs" I promised. We went up to my room where Ashley, Jinxx, Andy and Jake were all lying on my bed, so Andy was on the left side of the bed then Jinxx on the right and so on but all of their heads were dangling.

Sometimes I wonder about those guys.

"Okay, you may want to know about why you had to hide from that girl right?" They all nodded their heads with their eyes focused on me.

"Well, a few years ago we moved here and the way I dressed was quite different to everyone else then..."

I Was Saved By BLACK VEIL BRIDES!?!Where stories live. Discover now