The Host Club Is At An End

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We took turns in leaving to get changed. By the time Haruhi and I went up to the prep room in music room three, most of the guests had left. My mother had yet to make an appearance and I was surprised she hadn't already showed up. Nevertheless, I continued with my work.

We had both finished changing, Haruhi seemed to be in deep thought and I hoped that she was alright. We could hear a pair of voices murmuring from beyond the prep room door.

"In here?" The woman said.

"Well it is a music room after all." The familiar voice of the host club king rang through our ears. The sound of a piano chimed momentarily after they spoke. Haruhi and I listened quietly and inconspicuously from where we were standing. We leaned against the door in order to hear a bit better.

"So this is the room where you and that precious little host club of yours hold court is it? I must admit it was impressive seeing you all in action earlier. You must be very close." The woman's voice sounded again, I could only picture it as one woman and the only person in which it made sense to be coming from. Eclair Tonnerre.

"Naturally, you know what they say, 'A family that plays together stays together'."

"Family? What a sentimental notion. I believe here in Japan they refer to that as playing house. You're so whimsical Tamaki. I bet they fall all over themselves trying to keep up with you. Especially that one in the glasses, the one that got slapped by his father." I could hear the smirk behind that sly voice and I balled my fists. The piano stopped and Haruhi had to warn me to be quiet before I did anything irrasional.

She turned the door handle while I waited in the room alone calming myself by counting quietly.

"Who is it?" Eclair asked.

"Oh Haruhi, what are you doing here?"

"I just came back to change outfits. You were the one who wanted us to change costumes at least three times a day. Look, everyone's upset with you for disappearing on us like that. You should be with your club." I could hear the conversation and listened quietly and intently.

"My apologies, but I'm afraid he belongs to me for the time being. Forgive me for asking but do I detect a hint of jealousy?" That smug vixen asked.

"Oh Haruhi. So is it true? Is it true? You're actually jealous?" Tamaki fauned over the assumption and I could imagine the expression on his face while he wiggled with glee.

"Sorry but no. I guess I'll be leaving now, some of us have work to do." She came through the door and took hold of my forearm. "Come on, lets go." She said quietly. She was walking pretty fast through the hallways on our way back to where the event was being held.

"Hey Haruhi, slow down a bit." She finally listened and stopped and apologised. "It's okay. Are you alright?" I asked cautiously.

"Yeah." She lied. I pulled her into a quick sisterly hug. Even though she's never been the type for this kind of contact, I didn't care, she needed it. It was silent until we broke apart.

"Come on, lets get back or else Kyoya will have at us." I said with a smile and walked off with her.

Upon our entry there were girls adoring us along with the boys from the host club. Then there was a squeal I was overly accustomed to.

"(y/n) look at you!" My mother grasped me and hauled me away from Haruhi. "Oh you look like a proper young gentleman! If I didn't know you I'd mistake you for a boy easily." She whispered the last statement while continuing to suffocate me.

"Thanks ma, please let go. You'll crease it."

"Oh of course." She set me down.

"Please, enjoy yourself mother. There's sweets and fresh tea. I have to return to my obligations now." I gave a small wave before turning around to the host club.

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