The Elder

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Ryder and Liam crouched in an alleyway. They had empty rucksacks ready to fill up with stolen food and supplies.

"How's Thorn doing?" Ryder asked in a whisper. Liam's brows rose in surprise – this was the first time Ryder had introduced the subject. A strong wind made litter dance around their ankles and caused Ryder's lengthening hair to sweep across his face – obscuring his dark eyes.

"Lord Mishael's sent him to the Empty Edge."

Ryder frowned, "is that a prison?"

"It's a - a storage unit for the dead. It's where the souls of this world and the underworld go. There they are judged before moving on to whatever it is that comes next."

"He killed him!"

"No," Liam put his hand on Ryder's chest - willing him to calm down. "No – Mishael was once a grim reaper before adorning the underworld's crown." Liam's lips curled up in distaste. "He's helping Thorn get in and get out. As a necromancer Thorn will be extremely powerful at the Empty Edge."

"What does he want him to do there?"

"I couldn't find out."

Ryder brooded over this for several minutes before muttering irritably, "how dare he take my man and-"

"You gave him Thorn." Liam reminded him sternly, "Served up our brother on a silver platter with a please don't return label around his throat."

"I – I was angry. But I regret that now." 

Liam pinched the bridge of his nose. Tensions had been running high lately. 

"Can you-?" 

"A gorgon has no soul. I can't go there." Liam interrupted, guessing Ryder's next request. He sighed heavily. "We'll have to wait for him to return to underworld."

When they returned to the others - laden down with goods - Lewis was quick to offer help with putting things away. Ryder worked quickly in the cramped space – hastily stuffing items in drawers.

"Are you going to avoid being alone with me forever?" Lewis quipped, crossing his arms over his broad chest. Ryder ran his fingers through his hair, still avoiding meeting Lewis' gaze.

"This," he gestured between them, "this is wrong."

Lewis' jaw jutted out defiantly.

"You've suddenly got a problem with two guys being together?" 

Ryder slammed the cupboard shut.

"Of course not." He made to leave but Lewis stood blocking his path.

"Then why-?" Lewis demanded, alpha tone leaking into his voice.

"Because you – you are wrong!" Ryder roared shoving Lewis against the door. He fisted the front of Lewis' shirt, his nostrils flaring angrily and his breathing heavy as a bulls.

"Is everything alright?" Roxanne's tentative voice called from outside.

Head down in defeat Lewis stepped aside to allow Ryder to escape. He hissed in pain as Ryder flung open the door without being careful, briefly filling the caravan with sunlight. The blisters on Lewis' face healed quicker than his injured feelings. Ryder's ferocious glare stopped Roxanne from asking questions. She watched the former warlock storm off. Liam shook his head – discouraging her from following.

Branches clawed at Ryder's arms as he bulldozed his own path. His heart hammered in his chest – pumping polluted blood around his system. He'd loved Lauren. To the core of his soul. She'd been an angel – a merciless angel. But she hadn't saved him. Hadn't recognised the good in him. She'd betrayed him. Left him at the mercy of Gabriel once more. Ryder sagged against a tree, broken sobs heaving at his chest. Gabriel would laugh at him now – laugh and know that he had won. Ryder was beyond broken, broken beyond repair.

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