32 // hurt

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Hoseok slung his arm around Jimin's shoulder, laughing at something Jin had said. They were at a fan-meeting. Jungkook sat two seats away from Jimin, watching with sad eyes as the latter laughed with Hoseok, falling onto him.


Taehyung touched his shoulder. Even though the other members called him 'Jungkookie', there was something special in the way Jimin said it. When Jimin said it, Jungkook would feel like melting away. He hummed in response, eyes still fixed on Jimin who was now smiling as he talked to a fan.

"Are you and Jiminie-"

Jungkook wasn't listening anymore. Because he saw the way Jimin's smile immediately turned into an expression of fear and panic. The fan who Jimin was talking to before was now leaning very close to his face, asking him so many questions at once that even Jungkook thought his head would burst.

Namjoon silently looked at the security, clearly giving them a look that said 'please do your job'. The security politely told the girl to back away from Jimin but she wasn't ready to listen. She kept yelling into Jimin's face to the point that he even cowered a little.

"Carry on and move to the next member," the security said, trying to get her to move.

This time she did move, but she skipped Hoseok and Taehyung and stood in front of Jungkook.

"You're dating Jimin," she stated. It wasn't even a question. "It's so obvious. I never knew my idols could be gay freaks."

Jungkook looked over at Jimin, who was pushing Hoseok's hand off his shoulder and shaking his head, one trembling hand covering his face.

"Then you're not an ARMY," Jungkook spoke firmly. She had hurt Jimin's feelings. And he didn't care if he was going to hurt hers.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me," Jungkook looked at her dead in the eye. "If you really were an ARMY you'd happy for us no matter what any of us do, as long as we are happy. Clearly you aren't. Thank you for coming. Please leave me."

The girl looked shocked and stood still for a second. A massive amount of support rose from the other fans in the crowd, voicing their opinions on how Jungkook was absolutely right and that the girl should leave if she just wants to say rude things. The girl left and everything went back to normal.

After the fanmeet Jimin walked over to Jungkook's room. He knocked twice on the closed door and waited outside. Suddenly the door opened and someone pulled him inside by his wrist. Jimin crashed into Jungkook's chest, looking up at him with wide eyes.


Jungkook kissed him, not letting him finish his sentence. Jimin closed his eyes and bunched the younger's shirt, hands still trembling. Jungkook felt it and placed his hand over Jimin's, encasing it in warmth and comfort.

"Nothing will happen to us, okay?" Jungkook was the one reassuring Jimin this time, even though he was scared himself. "Nothing will happen as long as all seven of us are together."

Jimin didn't respond. Because the elder knew this was not okay, he knew they would get into a huge mess if the media found out. And so, even though it hurt him to do so, Jimin pulled away from Jungkook and took three steps backwards. Jungkook automatically reached forward to hold Jimin but the latter held his hand and shook his head.


There it was, the name which when spoken by Jimin could cause tremors in Jungkook's heart.

"It'll be okay," Jungkook whispered, only to be answered by Jimin shaking his head.

"You know what s-she said?"

Jungkook's heart broke. He knew how sensitive Jimin was. He knew how much her words would have affected him. A tear escaped Jimin's eye and he quickly wiped it away, hoping Jungkook hadn't seen.

"Jimin-ah," Jungkook hugged him tight, and for once Jimin didn't care about honorifics, Jimin didn't care about trying to act strong.

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