Chapter Forty-Seven

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Chapter Forty-Seven

Tanner had heard Temperance's scream. Every scenario that flashed through his mind was worse than the last. He pulled his gun and dashed out of the barn just in time to see her fall upon the ground and curl into a ball.

Wilma came bursting out of the house behind her and Tanner holstered his weapon and raced to Temperance's side. He crouched down beside her and pushed her red hair from her face. "Temp? Sweetheart?"

Her eyes were open but they didn't seem to be seeing anything as she stared straight ahead and tears soaked her cheeks. Tanner turned his gaze to Wilma. "What happened?"

Wilma was wringing her hands and crying. "I'm sorry, Tanner. I don't know.. I didn't mean to scare her. I was simply talking to her about marriage and you and... and what married people do.'

Tanner's temper, which normally remained dormant, reared its head. He fought the urge to throttle the woman as he glared up at her and she stumbled back several steps. "You have no business discussing that with Temperance or trying to push her into anything. You are the one who said we have to give her time!"

"I know!" Wilma sobbed. "It's just that the child was doin' so good and I thought she was ready...."

"She will let me know when she's ready," Tanner snapped. "It's no business of yours. Now get inside and make sure Sophia keeps Jackson upstairs playing. He doesn't need to see his mother like this."

Wilma nodded, sniffed loudly and then dashed back into the house.

Tanner waved off the men who were staring and only Felix remained. "Is there anything I can do?" he asked.

Tanner shook his head. "No. Just make sure everybody knows to leave us alone."

"I'll do that. Wilma didn't mean no harm by what she did... I'm sure she didn't," Felix insisted.

Tanner nodded but his attention was no longer on the old man. "I know. If I thought she'd meant to harm Temperance, I probably would have shot her," he stated absently.

Tanner found himself alone with Temperance then. Seeing her like this--in such a catatonic state was heartbreaking and frustrating. It seemed every time the woman took three steps toward recovery she ended being knocked twenty steps back. She'd be so devastated when she came back from wherever it was her mind had gone.

Tanner knew this was an episode brought on by anxiety. Temperance had confided in him about the spells that she took and while this was the first of the truly bad ones he had seen--he recognized it for what it was.

Tanner didn't want to touch her. He had no idea what she was seeing in her mind and he didn't want to worsen it with physical contact. Instead he lay down on his side in the dwindling daylight and curled up beside her with his face level to hers.

"Temperance?" he whispered. "Come back to me, sweetheart."

She didn't respond.

Tanner sighed and studied her. Her green eyes were so dull and every bit of life that had come back to them in the last couple of months was suddenly gone.

Tanner felt a tear slip down his own cheek at the sight. Damn everyone who had hurt this woman. Whatever lingering guilt Tanner had had for killing his brother the way he had disappeared in that moment. Anyone who could do something like this--who could bring a woman as strong as Temperance down to this kind of level--deserved to be shot in the back as he ran away.

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