What's In The Box? -edited-

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-(Y/n)'s P.O.V.-

"Zane can you help me please?" I said lifting the box to the couch.

"Why is this so heavy?" He questioned.

"Guess we'll have find out!" I yelled opening the box to see a smaller box in it surrounded by glass beads the kind you would put in a fish take.

"Huh?" We said at the same time. I pulled out the box and opened it. It was a smaller box with (favorite fun sized candy) covering the entire thing. I pulled out the third box after placing it on the floor.

"Okay what?" I stood up and went to the first box looking for a return address.

"Never mind..." I said sitting back down and continuing to open the boxes. The fourth box had tee-shirts of my favorite bands and artists. The fifth had just another box along with the sixth the seventh had a black sweatshirt in it. The eighth had a ball of wrapping paper in (favorite color).

"Zane if this turns out to be anthrax I just want you to know I love you." I said with a smile on my face. Zane's face grew with worry.

I started to peel layer after layer until it looked like a small rounded square.

"Uh what?" I asked looking at Zane. He shrugged and I peeled back the last layer. It was a small, black, and velvet box. My eyes began to water.

"Zane?" I questioned.

"Aren't you gonna open it?" He asked with his held at a tilt.

I slowly opened it with my eyes shut when it was opened fully my eyes fluttered open. It was a piece of pink paper. I slowly opened it careful not to tear it.

"Look under each box 10,9,8,7,6,5,4." I read a loud. I got up and looked under the biggest box.

"Will" I read going to the next "you" I ran to the third "marry" the fourth "me" I continued "love" "Zane" My eyes widened. I ran to him and hugged him.

"You forgot a box" he said as he pulled down his mask. I quickly ran to the smallest box and picked it up. A beautiful ring was taped to the bottom I swiftly put it on. It fit perfectly.

"I-I...." I started as lips were pressed against mine.

"Is that a yes?" He asked I nodded quickly and hugged him. I held on like I was on the edge of a cliff and he was my anchor.

"I love you" I said as tears streamed down my face.



Zane x reader Mystreet -edited as of may 2019-Where stories live. Discover now