Chapter 12

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"Q, I demand to have an explanation for this nonsense," grumbled Captain Picard as he pulled down at a shirt that replaced his usual Starfleet unform. Will had to hold back laughter as he realized that the shirt Captain Picard was wearing had pink flowers all over a white shirt and was a button up. Will also observed that he was wearing a white t-shirt, that said Getting Ready for the Ball and Chain written on it. Underneath the words, a ball and chain were wrapped around what Will assumed was a wedding ring.
Shaking his head, Will took a look around where Q had taken them. It seemed to be a dense jungle; there was very little light to be seen through the trees and small animals bustled around his feet. He also noticed the Data, Worf, and Geordi had also joined them, each in a ridiculous outfit of Q's concoction.

"Just get on with it Q, we don't have all day," Will yelled. In a flash, Q appeared, sitting casually on a broken down tree. Q was dressed in a shirt similar to Captain Picard, only Q's was blue with yellow exotic flowers decorating it. He had old time binoculars hanging around his neck and a large tan hat on his head.

"If you wish Riker, let the games begin!"

"Computer locate Commander Riker."

Commander Riker is no longer aboard the Enterprise.

Deanna was frustrated, she had a feeling that Q had taken her fiancé somewhere and she was not in the mood to deal with whatever shinnanigans that Q had in store for him. She had wanted to spend a nice evening, alone, but she should have known that if Q was around trouble was already underhand.

"Computer locate, Dr. Crusher."

Dr.Crusher is in sick bay.

Deanna breathed in an annoyed sigh and went to go hunt down Beverly. She stormed into sick bay and saw Beverly finishing up with a command ensign. Once the ensign slid off the bed, Beverly turned around and looked at Deanna curiously. "Is everything okay?"

"Besides Q ruining a day that should be filled with excitement, I guess so," Deanna gruffed.

Beverly's eyes bulged a moment, "Q has resurfaced?" Deanna began pacing back and forth. And as she did so, she began to rant.

"Of all the moments he could have chosen, he chose when Will proposed to me and he just ruined the moment and now it seems they have disappeared off the ship. I have to assume it was Q's doing because we are in space and it's not like they can just walk out the front door. Oh, Beverly, what should I do?" Beverly though for a moment, her face twisting into excitement.

"Apparently I was so busy I missed the wave of recent gossip. Deanna, you and Will, getting married? Oh my, this is so wonderful!" exclaimed Beverly, grabbing Deanna into a hug. Deanna couldn't help but feel overpowered by the emotions that Beverly was feeling but she didn't care, she was quite happy all the same.

"I didn't realize that you hadn't heard. But yes, I am quite excited and I was looking forward to my first night as being a fiancé, but now Q goes and ruins it," said Deanna. Deanna was feeling really upset and she nearly started crying. She could only assume it was just hormones from the pregnancy. Beverly took Deanna into a hug, which made her calm down a little bit.

"Well, I have to say congratulations and also, Q won't hurt them, most likely, merely play with them," Beverly said. Deanna nodded, hoping that what Beverly had said was true.
"What sort of game are you playing at?" demanded Will. Q jumped off the tree and gave a devilish smile.

He projected his voice, almost as if he were over a loud speaker, "Your first task is to take on angered Klingon warriors." All of them stared in shock at Q, but before any of them could react a flash happened and four Klingon's appeared all holding bat'leths. The five off them bunched together and the Klingons gave a battle cry and charged.

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