Chapter 15

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The ship began to blink a code yellow alert, but Deanna was too far gone to have heard it. Beverly's secret water was essentially magic to keeping her body relaxed. 

The green ball of energy traveled around the ship, knocking anyone unconscious that encountered it. It made its way around until it sensed Deanna's presence. The ball paused in front of the door, it felt drawn to the pregnant woman. It was not entirely sure why, but it went through the door and maneuvered to where Deanna lay asleep. 

Hovering for just one moment above her, the ball of energy zoomed back and forth twice and then jumped into Deanna's sleeping body.


Will blinked away unconsciousness and found himself in sickbay being scanned by an Ensign with a tricorder. He groaned and tried to sit up.

"Sir, please don't move, we want to make sure you're okay," the Ensign said, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. He knew that she was a new recruit, but he had to figure out what had happened in the cargo bay.

"Is Dr. Crusher around?" Will asked, pushing all the way to a seated position.

The Ensign looked upset, Will knew he had to remember her name at some point, but she did stride off toward the back of sickbay. Will looked around and noticed that sickbay was full of many dazed-looking people. He looked around and saw Geordi beginning to stir on a bed near him.

The Ensign brought back Dr. Crusher and moved to probably see if she had better control over keeping Geordi laying down.

"Do you always have to be difficult, Will," Beverly asked, as she scanned me herself.

"I will be when I want to know what is going on," Will gruffed. His body ached a little bit, but other than that he felt good enough to return to work.

"I wish I could tell you exactly what is going on, but from what I heard there was an unknown ball of green light bouncing around the ship, knocking people unconscious as it goes along. However, no one has seen it in roughly a half-hour,' Beverly said.

She set down her tricorder for a moment. "You do seem fine; however, be careful. I don't know what you opened up with that space junk, but it doesn't seem to be too friendly."

Will nodded and looked over at Geordi. 

"Are you okay, Commander La Forge?" Will asked.

"Other than a slight headache, aye sir," Geordi said.

Will scanned sickbay and then looked back at Beverly. "Is Data okay?"

"He's the one who sounded the alarm. Whatever the energy was didn't really seem to impact him at all," she replied.

Will nodded and slid off the exam table. He looked over at Geordi and gestured his head toward the door. Geordi nodded and slid off the table and followed Will out of sickbay.

"Nothing indicated that the energy build-up would cause such a disaster, Commmander," Geordi said as they head toward the turbo-lift. 

"I don't blame you, nor Data. I just want to see if anyone has any idea what this ball of energy could be and possibly know where it has been hiding," Will said, calling the 'lift.

Geordi nodded but looked troubled. The 'lift came down and they both stepped on it. "Bridge," Will said.

They rode up in silence and the 'lift took them to the bridge. Once the doors opened, they both stepped out and Captain Picard stood. 

"Will, Geordi, I'm glad to see you are both okay. But I do have to ask, have you any idea what is running amuck on my ship," Captain Picard asked.

Will sighed, "No more idea than anyone else, unfortunately, sir. The readings it gave off were not so far beyond normal that we felt unsafe opening the hatch. Whatever is around here is some form of alien life we have yet to discover."

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