Chapter 1

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He held out his hand and she carefully slid hers into his. They looked out into the dying sunlight, which illuminated the trees in an aura of mystery. A slight breeze blew her hair behind her head and he could not help but smile. The smell of roses wafted through his nostrils.

"All these roses and none as beautiful as you," he commented.

"Oh shush," she said, but held a smile. She reached her head up towards his face and he bent down--

"0600 hours," said the computers automated voice. Will Riker groaned as he rolled over onto his back. The dimmed lights still blinded him as sleep held him. He sat up, rubbing his eyes. He slowly stood up and walked over to the bathroom. Stretching, he walked over and took a sonic shower. After he was showered and in his uniform he wandered over to the replicator.
"Chicken eggs, scrambled and bacon, crisp," he instructed the machine. The light spun and the food he requested materialized. He snatched it off the platform and wen to go sit in his desk. Scattered on the desks was padds and he picked up one to see that he needed to talk to Deanna--.

His mind skipped back to being in orbit around the Ba'ku's planet. He and Deanna had started something again, regardless of the planet's regenerative properties, Will had felt feelings towards Deanna again. He knew they had been real, not the byproduct of feeling young again. He had been so lost in thought that it took biting down hard on the fork to figure out he was finished with his food. Standing up, he took the plate back to the replicator where it de-materialized. Time to go to the briefing. Will exited his quarters and walked don to the turbolift. He acknowledged a couple junior officers walking by and they gave him big smiles in return.

He chuckled lightly and rubbed his beard that was returning after he had Deanna shave it off. Deanna any thought of her drove Will insane. He entered the 'lift and told it to go to the bridge. Shaking all his thoughts of Deanna, he waited to reach his destination. The doors opened onto the bridge and he saw Data stand from the captain's chair.

"Report Mr. Data," Riker ordered.

"All is well, sir. Captain Picard has not yet arrived and there is nothing major to report," replied the android.

"Very well, when Captain Picard arrives, please let him know I am in the Observation Lounge," Will said.

"Aye, sir."

He was happy that he had a few minutes in the room by himself. He knew all the senior officers were a part of the briefing and that meant Deanna would be there. He hadn't seen her in a few days since the Enterprise left space-dock. Will stood at the window and gazed out into the star-field. He looked back as he heard the doors open.

"Ah, number one, is everything all right?" asked Captain Picard.

"Of course, sir. Why do you ask?" he said.

"I often find that contemplation happens when one is staring out into space, but am I mistaken?"

"No, I suppose you're not, Captain. Nothing that needs you're attention, though. I am eager to hear what our mission is."

Picard smiled, "As you should be, Will. I will give everyone the details when everyone has arrive. Just don't go charging up your phaser for this mission." Captain Picard winked and the door slid open again, allowing Dr. Beverly Crusher and Geordie La Forge to enter. Will nodded a greeting to the two of them as he walked over to his seat to the right of the head of the table. Geordie and Beverly took the two seats across from Will. The door slid open again and in came Data along with Worf. Finally Deanna followed in behind them. Her hair fell down her shoulders and ended with loose curls. Her dark eyes were bright with curiosity and she took the seat next to Will.

He gave Deanna a smile and she returned the favor. Before he could say anything the Captain began the briefing, "Starfleet command has decided to allow the Enterprise a breather and has sent us on an archaeological survey on the planet Vieara II. Recent expeditions have dug up some interesting artifacts on the people's history. The Enterprise took up fifteen scientists before we left space-dock and are to take them there so they can further the research. We have been authorized to participate if we so wish to."

Archaeological expeditions were not Will's idea of a fun time, but he knew the captain must be thrilled at the idea. "That is all, you are dismissed," announced Captain Picard. Everyone stood and filed slowly out. Will walked out onto the bridge and barked the order to lay in a course to Vieara II.

Deanna came up to him and he stiffened a little. "Is everything all right?" she asked.

Will tugged on his jacket, a habit picked up from Captain Picard, and gave Deanna a smile. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know, you just seem a bit tense. Do you expect something to happen?" she said.

"Well, with the Enterprise anything is possible."


Hey all, I know this is a Star Trek: The Next Generation story and this first chapter is just a small piece of what is going to come! I'm trying out something new and if you could give an opinion of what you think that be great:) You are all amazing. ~KrazyKenzie4

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