Chapter 2

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"We're coming onto Vieara II, sir."
"Slow to one quarter impulse," order Riker. "Captain to the bridge."
The doors to the ready room slid open and Riker stood to allow Captain Picard access to his chair. "Report number one," Picard said.
"We are nearing the planet, sir," Will replied. He took his seat to the right and below the captain.
"Standard orbit, Mr. Wallace," Captain Picard said. He looked back at Worf who was at the tactical station, "Mr. Worf, please let the scientists know we have arrived and will begin to beam the teams down. Oh, and do inform him I will be joining them on the planet."
Will gave the captain a sly smile, "I hope you have a nice time, Captain. Be sure to pick me up some fossils." Picard smiled.
"Number one, I'll bring you a fossil, so long you leave this ship in one piece," he said.
Will felt his face flushed and he bent down over his computer console to hide his face. He heard small snickers from behind him. The turbolift doors slid open and Will looked up to see Deanna walking through. Deanna. She walked over to them and he smiled as he noticed her hair pulled back with her hair in its normal overly curly state. He appreciated that because he missed the way she normally held herself.
"Are you okay?" Deanna asked, waving a hand in front of his face.
He blinked and said, "Yes, of course, why wouldn't I be?"
"I said hello and you only stared at me."
He gave himself a mental kick. "Sorry, I have a lot on my mind." I have you on my mind, imzadi. He thought. He felt as if he projected louder than he meant and after a moment he found his assumption to be true. We need to talk later, Deanna thought to him. Will nodded a little to let her know he agreed.
Captain Picard stood up, straightened his jacket, and said, "You have the bridge, number one. Take good care of her." Will smiled and gave him a nod as Picard made his way off the bridge.
Riker stood up and took his place in the captain's chair. He looked at the in larged image of the blue and purple planet. He knew the captain would be all right, but some thing told him that he was in danger of potential disappointment.

Will was relieved from the bridge at 1800 hours. Deanna followed him onto the turbolift and he told it to go to deck eight. Awkwardly, they stood in silence, the turbolift emitting a soft hum in the background. The doors slid open and an ensign was standing on the other side.
"Commanders," The ensign acknowledged.
"Ensign," they said simultaneously. They stepped off the 'lift and walked through the corridor and stopped in front of his quarters. He unlocked the door and the two of them entered. Will rubbed his face and turned towards Deanna.
"Deanna--." she cut him off with holding up her hand.
"Will, I have a feeling I know what you're about to start, but I'm not sure we should base our future actions off the basis of a planet with radiation infested rings," she said.
He leaned against a chair and crossed her arms. He sighed and examined her before he began, "Deanna, I don't know about you but I think that we can work out if we just try. When I did not come to Beta zed I was a foolish lieutenant commander and could only see a ship behind my eyes. I've realized now that you are what I want, I want my life to take a new direction and that direction with you."
Her large eyes looked over Will and he could feel his fate being held above his head. Deanna dropped her eyes to the floor and said, "Can I trust you again, imzadi? What do I have to ensure you won't leave me when a new ship comes in my place?"
"Yes, my trust can be confirmed and Deanna, how can I prove to you that this is true if you are unwilling to allow me a chance?"
Deanna wandered over to his trombone and gently stroked it's bronze outer layer. She stared at it for what felt like eternity before she said, "All right, I am not fond of personal relationships with the people I work closely with, but I see my efforts will be futile on you. I'll allow us to try again."
Will nearly jumped up in the air, but instead he grabbed Deanna gently and pulled her into a tight hug. She laughed against his chest and he released her.
"If you'll excuse me, I have some matters to attend to."

Deanna left Will's quarters unsure of what had transpired. She knew there was one person she wanted to talk to. She acknowledged some crewmen as she made her way onto the turbolift. She rode it down and made her way to sickbay. She entered through the doorway and was glad to see that there was no one in there. She walked through the main area and popped her head into Beverly's office. She found the doctor busy on a computer and she made a mocking cough to alert Beverly to her presence.
"Oh, Deanna, come in! I was just busy filling out some medical reports, what can I do for you?" she said. She gestured for Deanna to take a seat and she did so.
"Can I discuss something with you?" she asked.
"Of course, what's on your mind?" Beverly said.
Troi scratched the back of her neck and began, "Is it unwise of me to begin a relationship with Will again? I told him I would try again, but I need another woman's opinion on the matter."
"Well, I personally believe that it is better for the two of you to try. It's obvious to all of us who know you well that you two have something special. I would strongly suggest a rekindling and I say it using my professional medical opinion," Beverly said.
"Your professional opinion? Ha. So you don't think it's a mistake? It doesn't matter we serve aboard the same ship?" she wondered.
Dr. Crusher leaned on her elbows and gave Troi a meaningful look. "I can't say it's a good or bad idea; however, I deem it something with the chance. I won't speak for Will, but I think he may be trusted in this matter. He has lost you once and I can not see him making the same mistake twice."
Leaning back in the chair, Deanna smiled. "I guess now all I can do is find out what Will has in store for us."

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