Chapter 18

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Deanna could not believe that she was finally going to be able to marry her Imzadi in just three days. The Enterprise was docked in orbit around Earth, getting routine maintenance done. She was going to miss her family aboard the Enterprise but was excited for her and Will to enjoy a new chapter in their lives aboard the Titan. 

Deanna was staying on the ship, while Will was setting up stuff in Alaska. He wanted to make everything stress-free for the last few days before the wedding, but that did not help her nerves very much. She was excited though for a low-key bachelorette party. It was going to be held in Ten Forward with only a few people involved. 

A chime went off on Deanna's door.

"Come," she called.

Deanna turned and saw Beverly standing in the doorway. Beverly stepped through the door and gave Deanna smiled. 

"Are you ready for a good time?" Beverly asked.

Deanna laughed, "I'm ready for a good night, what's the plan?"

Beverly wagged her finger at Deanna. "Nope, you have to wait and see. It's a surprise."

Deanna laughed and the two of them made their way out of Deanna's quarters and made their way to the Lounge. 

When they were nearing the entryway, Beverly covered Deanna's eyes and they moved slowly forward. Deanna heard the swish of the door and they stepped through and Beverly let the door close behind them before releasing Deanna's eyes.

Deanna gasped. The Lounge had been decorated with a bunch of white decorations and at what seemed to be almost every other table were chocolate fountains. Deanna smiled, laughing at the fact that her best friend knew her so well. 

A few of the other officers were there, including Data. He had been curious by the experience and had asked if he could partake for his own curiosity. Deanna agreed, knowing he would not cause an issue for them.

Data came up to her, "Did we meet your expectations, Counselor?"

Deanna laughed, "Yes, Data, I do believe that the chocolate fountains alone have exceeded my expectations. I am delighted to see what else is in store for this evening."

Beverly grabbed shot glasses from behind the bar and spread them out across the bar top. "I believe the epitome of a bachelorette party is the drinking games. I thought it may be fun to start with Name that Planet."

A small cheering roar went through the members of the party as Beverly hit some buttons and began projection over the table.

Beverly held up a glass she had filled with some liquid that Deanna could only guess was not synthehol. 

"Let the games began," she said, knocking back the drink. 

Deanna laughed and they began playing.


Will stared out the windows at his wedding venue. He could not believe the day was so close. He knew they had chosen the right spot, you could see the mountains in a beautiful scene through the large windows that encompassed most of the reception space. It would be able to handle most of the Enterprise crew, along with some of Will's family and some of Deanna's friends that planned to be at both ceremonies. 

"Commander, is everything okay?" Wesely Crusher asked, coming up from helping set up some bouquets. 

Will smiled and turned toward Wesley, "Ah, Wes, no need for formality here! Call me, Will! And yes, everything is coming together perfectly. I just can't believe it's actually happening soon. I was so sure we would forever be friends for so long and now the day has finally come."

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