Chapter 24

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" I will cross the ocean for you, I will go and bring you the moon."


I laid besides her at the hospital bed and listened to the machine read her pulse activity. She still looked beautiful despite the marks on her face and the few bruises.

Her body just laid there looking nothing but lifeless. It hurt me to see her laid up like this and I wish it was me and not her. I wish I could've taking all of the pain she ever felt away.

I had two jobs and that was to protect her and Adraya and I couldn't do that. I'm so busy behind Destiny that I lost focused on who I really love and who I really want to  marry.

I admit my flaws and I'm man enough to say I fucked up on her many times but I love her enough to change for her, I love her enough to try. I'm sorry I messed up my relationship with her, she's the only person I think about when I wake and when I go to sleep.

This is what you call real love.

" Mr. Brown." I heard a voice said as they entered the room.

" Hey." I mumbled as I looked at the doctor who had a sad look on his face.

" My name is Doctor Brookes and I have been running a few test on Ms. Amorah." He started to say.

" Is she going to be okay." I questioned with glossy eyes.

" She will be okay but I'm sorry for your loss. " He mumbled.

" My loss." I wondered.

" Ms. Brown was pregnant." He told me. I wanted to be angry when he said that but I knew I wasn't in any position to get mad. My heart feels for her knowing that this is her second baby she has lost.

" I'm sorry to hear that too." I replied.

" The other bad news is that she may wake up and not remember anything, her brain was slightly injured from the bruising." He told me. I didn't know what to say or how to react, so I just sat there and cried.

" I'm sorry." He mumbled.

" Thanks." I said lowly. The doctor then walked up to Princess and began to clean up her cuts. He examined it carefully before he spoke up again.

" She will heal quickly." He told me.

" Are you sure." I questioned.

" I'm sure." He said with a smile. I believe him like I never have believed anybody. He grabbed his clipboard and began to walk out of the room until Princess mom met him at the door knob.

" Good day." Jasmine said. The doctor informed her, Morris and the rest of their family about what's going on. After the doctor left, everybody came next to her and looked as if they could've felt her pain.

" Daddy, is mommy going to be okay." Draya asked.

" Yes." I replied.

" I'm glad you killed that nigga before I got to him." Morris whispered in my ear with a angry facial expression. I watched as he paced around the room then begin to punch his fist into the wall.

" Baby stop." Jasmine said.

" Fuck no, you see her face." He asked.

" She's going to be okay." Princess mom told him as she tried to calm him down. I was about to say something until my phone started to ring and when I took a look at the screen it was Destiny calling.

" Wassup." I questioned.

" Where are you." She wondered.

" I'm at the hospital with Amorah." I answered.

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