Chapter 6

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" If you had my first child, would I spend my whole life with you. "

Picture of A'draya at the Top


Quickly I got up out of the bed and pushed my feet into my slids. My hands drifted down my face as I stood up and headed to my son' Tramaine Jr's room.

He kicked his feet and screamed at the top of his lungs until I lifted him up out of his crib. Once I laid him on my back, he stopped all of that hollering he was making all of that time.

This kid is already use to hand thanks to his mother and his big sister. I hissed my teeth and walked out of the room and headed to the hallway.

As soon as I looked to my right, I spotted Shyla walking out of her room rubbing her eyes. A few seconds later she opened them up and headed towards us.

" Daddy my eyes hurt." Shyla said.

" I just watched you rubbed your eyes so it should." I told her.

" Hi baby brother." She said as she began to coo to the baby and tickle his legs. Tjay ( his nickname) squirmed inside of my arms and giggled at Shyla.

" Chad's coming tomorrow." I told Shyla.

" Yay, is he staying." She asked.

" Nope. He's coming down for a day because his mom gotta do some stuff,". He's going right back after his mom does what she came to do." I answered.

" I wish he was staying. I'm bored here." She said as she yawned. The both of us headed down the steps and walked into the kitchen. I placed the baby's bouncer on the island then laid him inside.

" You want Chad to stay all of a sudden but the minute he gets here the both of you get into it." I said.

" Brothers and sisters are suppose to get on each other's nerve." She answered.

" You have a point but you and Chad argue every minute then become friends then be angry at each other again.

" I know but that's still my best friend." She answered.

" Oh, so now the both of you are best friends." I asked as I lifted my eyebrows.

" Well kind of. We are close brothers and sisters." She said.

" I thought Vincent was your best friend." I asked her.

" Of course he is my best friend but I can have more than one best friend like you daddy. You have two best friends." She said.

" You got a point lil girl." I told her as I chuckled. Just as she was about to say something the microwave stopped. I walked up towards the microwave and got Tjay's bottle.

Before I placed it into this mouth, I checked to made sure that it wasn't hot. He closed his eyes and sucked down on his bottle like no tomorrow. When he was done, I laid him on my shoulders and burped him. After I placed him back into his bouncer and sat on the stool facing him.

" He must have been really hungry daddy." Shyla said.

" It's one in the morning, so yeah... He's always cranky around this time." I answered her.

" Daddy is mommy upstairs." Shyla asked.

" Nah, she should be home in a minute tho." I told her.

" Where is she." She asked.

" She said she was going out with her cousin so I don't know, but I know she needs to hurry get home." I said truthfully.

Shy and I haven't been in a good place lately and the reason why is because I truly believe she's doing some shit behind my back.

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