Chapter 8

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" We suppose to be in love until there ain't no breaking up."


One month later

I rolled over inside of my bed towards the dresser as the alarm went off. My hands wandered on the dresser as I tried to stop the alarm from going off so loudly. After trying for a moment, I stood up against the bed head and turned it off.

My eyes wandered around my bedroom as the sunlight just began to brighten up the room. I rubbed my eyes to try and get rid of the blurry vision I was getting then squinted them.

As soon as my eyes were seeing correctly, my cell phone buzzed off on the dresser. I hissed my teeth and grabbed it. My sleepy face soon turned into a smile once I've seen who it was calling me.

" Morning beautiful." His deep voice said.

" Good morning handsome." I said blushing.

" Why are you up so early." He asked.

" My alarm, plus I have to get A'draya ready early today." I told him.

" Oh yeah, I forgot you told me today was awards day at her school." He said.

" Yes, I'm pretty sure she's going to clean up. My baby is smart." I told him.

" That's really good. What you got planned to do today." He asked.

" Well, I actually was going to spend the day with Draya and my sisters." I told him.

" Iight. You wanna chill later on tonight, after you spend time with Draya. I don't want to stop you from spending time with her because she needs you." He said. I smiled because everyday he pushes me more to be there with Draya before I even think about spending time with him.

We still aren't in a relationship because the both of us just want to take things slow and still figure each other out.

" You can come over when I put her to sleep." I told him.

" Okay, sounds good babe." He replied.

" So what are you doing today." I questioned.

" Not a shit, probably hit up my cousin's gym." He told me.

" Who's that." I asked.

" Trey." He told me. I rolled my eyes because this can't be good. Knowing Trey, he would say some slick shit because he feels like he has to make sure nobody gets with me because of Dre.

I told Trey what Dre told me a month ago and he doesn't believe him. Trey is probably the only person that doesn't believe him but everybody else has.

You know it's real if I talk to Dre about Dominic. He gives me advice on what to do and what not to allow. Dre told me that based off what I told him he seems like a great guy but he still doesn't want him around A'draya until he meets him face to face.

" Trey is like my brother." I told him.

" Oh fo' Real." He asked.

" Yup, he's actually Draya's father best friend." I told him.

" That's cool. Trey and I just recently got in touch. Our family so fucked up, you don't want to know the half." He started.

" We can talk about it tonight, how does that sound." I asked.

" Great, with a massage."

" Nigga don't push your luck." I told him.

" I hope you see how you go. I don't say nothing when you ask me to rub your feet." He hissed.

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