Letter Four

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'Dear Abigail,

How are you? You didn't respond to my last letter, Are You Okay?

More importantly are We Okay?

If I could write a book as to how much I miss you and how much I love you,

I would. You have no idea what's it like on tour, it's different without you.

The fans think they can have a chance with me. But their wrong.

Your the only one; your the only one my heart beats for, your the only one

who has stolen my heart, you the only one I'll wait for and your the only one

I wish to see and hear before I go to sleep every night and the first voice and

face it see and hear when I wake up in the morning.

Abi, you've stolen my heart and I'm not sure if I'll every get it back and honestly

you can keep it. So I suppose this is my letter to say you've stolen my heart but

actually I've willingly given it to you, because I love you so much.

All my love

Louis :) XX'

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