Chapter 21

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Brax woke up and Ricky was next to him. He got out of bed and headed to Angelos to sort out the rosters.

He headed to Kyle's desk and he tried to find the rosters but there were papers everywhere he moved them all and put them all in the desk drawer.

When he pulls it out he sees a picture of a woman he pulled it out. She was pretty, had brown eyes, long brown hair and a big smile the sort of smile that you have to smile at when you see it.

She looked about 32 and Brax knew that she wouldn't be Kyle's girlfriend.

Brax guessed she was Kyle's mum, she looked like Kyle they had the same smile, same twinkle in their eyes and the same tan skin.

He folded the photo up and put it in his pocket and then continued to look for the rosters.

Heath came in behind him.

"Mate just close the place up, we need to get organised for the funeral." Heath mumbles.

"No." Brax grunts.

"But we need to organise the funeral," Heath yells.

Brax just shakes his head.

"Brax we need to organise Kyle's funeral." Heath grunts he was still sad over Kyle's death and arguing with Brax wasn't helping.

"You can." Brax mumbles.

Heath looked at his brother, Brax was stubborn but Heath never thought that Brax would refuse to help them with Kyle's funeral.

"Brax, Kyle looked up to you do I need to remind you of that but right now I don't know whether he would or not." Heath huffs.

Heath leaves the restaurant and leaves Brax by himself.

Brax knew he should help with Kyle's funeral but it was too hard, Kyle was murdered and Brax saw it all happen, Kyle was his little brother and he was too young to die.

Brax closes Angelos for the week and heads back up to the restaurant and grabs a bottle of whisky.

He opens it and pours it into a glass.

He drinks it fast and pours himself another.

Before he knows he's on his knees sobbing loudly he knew that no matter how much he drank the pain of losing his brother wouldn't go away.

"Brax are you in here?" He hears Ricky call.

Ricky hears the loud sobs coming from behind the bar.

"Brax it's okay, We're going to be okay," Ricky mumbles hugging Brax.

"Rick he made it to 23, 23 years old and now he's gone, he'll never know what it's like to live the life he deserved, he'll never know what it's like to have a wife, kids he'll never know what it's like to live without fear," Brax mutters.

"Brax." Ricky starts.

"What you think he ever felt safe, of course, he didn't, and he'll never know just how much he meant to me and the boys," Brax yells.

"Brax, come home you're upset and we need to all be together at the moment." Ricky sighs rubbing Brax's back.

Brax nods his head they all should be together.

Ricky drove Brax back home.

"Uncle Brax." Darcy sobs running up to Brax.

"Hey, Darc I know it's sad." Brax mumbles.

"How'd he die?" Darcy asks.

"Darc maybe when you're a bit older." Heath sighs.

"No, please tell me I miss Uncle Kyle," Darcy begs her little eyes filling with tears.

"Darc he was shot." Brax mumbles hugging Darcy he can feel his chest getting sore almost like he couldn't breathe.

"Shot!" Darcy croaks racing to her dad and sobbing loudly.

Casey and Sasha came in from Casey's room. Casey's eyes were red and puffy and even though he had his arm around his girlfriend there wasn't even a small smile on his face.

"I'm sorry Brax." Sasha mutters hugging Brax.

"Thanks, Sasha." Brax croaks.

Bianca was on the couch her eyes red and on her laptop booking a funeral director.

"Monday." Bianca sighs.

It was Saturday and Brax just shook his head.

"Too early." Brax sighs.

Brax, Kyle's not going to magically come back the longer we leave it." Heath sighs.


"neither am I, I loved Kyle and cared about just as much as you did." Heath grunts choking back the tears.

"Yeah, right you would always tease him and call him names." Brax huffs.


"Stop it." Darcy squeaks and runs into Kyle's room.

"Great work you two," Casey mumbles and goes to see Darcy.

Brax and Heath glare at each other.

Casey goes into Kyle's room and he sees Darcy sitting on Kyle's bed strumming his guitar.

"Was he in pain?" Darcy asks.

"Of course not Darc." Casey lies sitting next to Darcy.

He couldn't tell Darcy that Kyle was shot three times and he died a slow and painful death.

"It's not fair, Uncle Kyle doesn't deserve this, he was such a good Uncle and now I'm never going to see him again." Darcy sobs into her uncle's shoulder.

"I know he was a great brother too, he may have driven me nuts but yeah he was a great brother." Casey sighs rubbing Darcys back.

"He was going to teach me how to play the guitar." Darcy sighs.

Casey takes a big sigh.

"I think you should keep the guitar." Casey smiles kissing Darcy's head.

"But it's Uncle Kyle's." Darcy sobs as she wiped the tears away from her eyes.

"Kyle was always playing it I think now that he's gone he'll want someone else to always play it." Casey sighs and takes the guitar off Darcy and places it on Kyle's bed.

Darcy wraps both arms around her Uncle.

"I miss him." She sobs.

"So do I Darc," Casey mumbles feeling the tears fall from his eyes, he knew that the funeral was going to be hard for everyone. 

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