Jack Frost

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Jack felt was really late.

He knew North would not be happy with him and bunny would probably smirk and rub it in afterwards but he couldn't help it. If you were having a terrific snowball fight, you wouldn't want to leave it either.

Jack glided through the air, silently urging himself, and the wind, to go faster. Jack really wanted to take a shortcut but he couldn't. He knew that if he passed the warm areas of the country, he would accidentally cause snowflakes, which would lead to disastrous panic from mortal people and maybe a rumor that the world was about to end because of crazy weather.

It was only a few minutes before Norths (AKA, Santa) workshop loomed ahead. As Jack got closer, he expertly kicks open a window and jumped inside. After brushing a few pieces of ice off him, Jack looked up to see the guardians glaring at him (Except for Tooth, who was frantically muttering places of teeth to her fairy's).

"'Sup?" Jack asked casually, smirking at Bunny's annoyed expression.

Sandy was taking a small doze next to North but nobody bothered to wake him up. Bunny was painting an egg in his hand but he still looked threatening...not that he ever scared Jack. But North looked threatening. He was glowering at Jack, his huge arms folded, one tattooed Naughty, the other Nice.

Jack  knew which arm North was going to strangle him with.

"You are late," North growled in his sorta Russian accent. Jack suppressed a gulp. North didn't look happy.

"Yeah, I was just having a snowball fight...got a bit caught up and stuff..." Jack said, scratching the back of his head and trying to look innocent.

But North wasn't buying it.

"Soo...what did I miss?" Jack tried to change the subject. Thankfully, Tooth answered but she wasn't her usual chirpy self.

"We have a huge problem" She sighed, he wings beating feebly. Her fairy's nodded in agreement.

"What?" Jack frowned. He wasn't the kind of person to take things seriously but since Pitch had almost taken over he decided to learn to be a bit more serious.

"Pitch Black is back, mate" Bunny said in his heavy Australian accent. Jack raised his eyebrow.He was supposed to be believe this? Maybe it was a late April fools day.

"He can't be back," Jack shook his head and sat on a table, "He was destroyed by his own fear"

"Just because he got dragged down a hole doesn't mean he was destroyed." Bunny argued.

"And anyway," North interrupted, patting his big stomach proudly, "I can feel it in my belly!"

 Jack chuckled. "The belly thing again?"

"Yes," North grunted, "And last time my belly was right"

Jack could see that North had a point. But he argued anyway.

"Well, we defeated him once, we'll do it again" Jack said. Tooth bit her lip. Sandy was still asleep. Bunny was avoiding eye contact as he painted his egg and North looked grim.

"What?" Jack asked, surprised at their reaction. Why are they so nervous about Pitch? He was already beaten and probably still weak.

"He's not alone this time," North said. Sandy woke up. He smiled at Jack then realized that they were delivery the bad news. He then shook his head glumly and made a moon shape over his head.

Jack still didn't understand.

"What do you mean 'he's not alone'?" Jack asked, looking at everyone individually. They looked back with grim faces and the atmosphere was tense.

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