Part 1: What just Happened?

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Part 1: What just happened?

Today starts out as any other day with Mom and Dad leaving on one of their infamous business trips. Sadly leaving me alone with my brother in charge? What? I can’t believe that they are doing this to me again. I am more than capable enough to what myself; especially to watch the house. Can’t they trust me? I sure as hell am not going to throw a party like my dear brother Stefan has planned tonight. I am way more responsible than he will ever be. Ugh.

“I’m sorry sweetly I know you don’t like it when we leave but your brother will take good care of you, “my mom says giving me a hug and kiss on the cheek.

“Yes, darling we will only be gone a week this time, “my dad smiles, coming over to give me a hug.

*** Few Hours later***

The music is blaring and I’m trying to study for an exam tomorrow. Ahh...with this noise I’m never going to get to study, good thing I called Sara over. I told her about the part surly enough she is going to make me blow off studying and party with her. It happens all the time, but I don’t like to be alone up here and I don’t want to be down there alone either.

I hear the door bell ring hoping its Sara. I don’t go down to answer it though because I’m in my pjs. I hear a pounding on my door and instantly know its Sara.

"Finally your here"

"What are you doing up here by yourself when there's a party going on downstairs." she looks at me disapprovingly

"You know I have to study for my exam tomorrow"

"Hello, that's why they created study hall"

"Yeah but I like that period to relax you know that"

"Yeah but there’s an awesome party going on with hot guys downstairs." she pouts

"Okay" I open my walk-in closet and get out dark skinny jeans, a plunging v-neck and some heels.

"I’m ready"

"Alright then let’s go “she says all bubbly

We walk downstairs, the house is really packed tonight and there are loads of hot guys. Yea! We walk into the kitchen and bump into the one person I was hoping not to see.

"Hey, Annabel" he smiles at me

"Hey Nathan"

"You look good"


Nathan is my ex boyfriend that I dumped because he cheated on me with some stupid cheerleader. We have been over for like a month now but I still love him. He has this amazing blonde hair and crystal eyes which I love so much. He is the quarterback of the football team. Sometimes I regret it but I deserve better.

Falling for my brother's best friend ...And now I think I'm Pregnant!Where stories live. Discover now