Chapter 11

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Previously in AxK:

His obvious mistrust heightened further as she pulled him in a weapons shop for last. Little did he know what she had in store for him.

Nagisa, alarmed, gazes at all the hazardous products, and decides to proceed with caution.

"You are going to join us on our plot; whether you like it or not." She says monotonously, casually examining a dual knife, all whilst stroking the metal edge.

Nagisa's breath hitched sharply.

"Say, I go on with this plan of yours. What's my benefit from all of this?" She smiles lazily at him, never once meeting his eyes.

"What's in it for me?"


He frowned.

This wasn't good. This wasn't good at all.


To say Akashi was suspicious was an understatement.

Even though Kuroko said that he'd be gone for a whole week in order to go on a trip with his parents, the scarlet-haired male had a slight inkling; he was not sure if it was a good one.

Now, these moments were rare, even for Akashi. At the very same day Kuroko informed him in advance of his week-long leave; deciding to trust his intuition, Akashi went up to the Kuroko residence at a certain time he calculated Tetsuya would most likely go out.

Before he gets accused of being a stalker, Akashi and Kuroko walk home together occasionally, so as to answer the question how the latter had gotten to know his address.

Due to curiosity and the simple reason that Tetsuya was his friend (and that he was secretly worried for his wellbeing and safety, though he would die before ever admitting that), he followed him.

Tetsuya enrolled in Teiko Middle due to the fact that he lived near the school premises. Despite Akashi living quite far, he proposes to walk home together every while or so. They'd stop first at Maji Burger to grab some refreshments, then go to the intersection road that lied between Kuroko's and Akashi's paths home, where they'd bid each other goodbye, parting ways with.



Back to the situation at hand, the sidewalks and pavements were clear of people. Even the cerulean-eyed boy's neighbors who normally went out at times like these were mysteriously cooped up inside, making Akashi the only person who spotted his friend get inside a family van.

Tetsuya was wearing his school uniform back then--nothing ever suspicious about that--but as the doors of the van opened, the heterochromatic-eyed male squinted to see the rest of the van's occupants to check whether his hunch was right--and it was.

He saw Tetsuya's family.

To outsiders, the outward appearance of the pale blue-haired boy's companions looked normal, but were noticeably conspicuous to anyone, given if they take a closer look.

They looked like a bunch of cosplayers. Akashi's sharp eyes saw everything in great detail, from the way they they spoke and moved, to carefully-hidden tufts of what seemed to be their natural hair sliiiightly peeking out of the wigs they had, being a few millimeters or so.

Nothing could escape his Emperor's Eye.

There were three males and one female, all of the said persons donning official 'Kuroko Family Hair' (which sounded like anime merchandise, to be honest), and looked like a regular family from the back, but Akashi knew there were more than meets the eye.

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