Chapter 4

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Previously on AxK:

The principal of Teiko Middle had walked in from the back and began to walk up the steps in the stage, stopping shortly in front of the tall podium. He cleared his throat, resulting students from both schools to stop their loud chattering. They chose to talk in hushed voices, and little by little, had quieted down as they waited for the person of high authority to speak.

The man stood tall and proud, with an aura of superiority surrounding him. He had gray, slightly balding hair, which was slicked back. His face was elegantly structured, with a prominent nose bridge and a slightly sharp jawline. He was wearing a crisp and neat black suit, partnered with a red neck tie. His obsidian-tinted grey eyes looked intense. He had opened his mouth to speak, and...


...suddenly, the double doors burst open, revealing three unusual hair-colored men and a strawberry hair-colored girl. They piled in from the outside, and some had casually walked in. The Kunigigaoka students' jaws dropped, and were shown to be both awed and terrified as the eccentric and eye-catching group had walked past them. They were one odd bunch, the height of each person varying from 173 centimeters to almost two meters tall. They were wearing their own basketball uniforms, with the exception of a green-haired male and the only female of the group. They had the decency to change into their designated Teiko uniforms.

The male was tense, his back and shoulders set straight, occasionally pushing his semi thick-rimmed spectacles up the prominent bridge of his nose; his thin lips set into a line. He was tall, muscular and good looking. The pink-haired girl was carrying a brown clipboard, her magenta eyes looking unusually serious, as she had placed her hands behind her back. She was a beauty. She had soft-looking creamy skin, which accentuated her pale complexion. Full, plump, pink glossy lips were curved into a delicate frown, accompanied by luscious pink hair, framing her heart-shaped face. Male students stared curiously at her, led in by her allure, and were left struck speechless when they did a once-over; they drooled, seeing her aesthetically-pleasing appearance and curvaceous, slim figure.

All of them were attractive or at least attention-grabbing, and had slightly intimidated students who were less confident about themselves. Nagisa stared curiously at them, wondering what lengths they took to achieve their tall stature. He envied their height, wishing to be as tall as them too. Karma looked as indifferent as ever, the blue-haired boy noticed. But he saw how his eyebrows furrowed a bit. He was thinking deeply about something. Nagisa made a mental note to ask him about that later. His attention was diverted back to the peculiar group.

The principal then, having seen the commotion, cleared his throat loudly. He was ruffled because of the unexpected arrival of the rambunctious rainbow bunch. But it seems like the audience wasn't affected at all. Majority of the female population swooned and sighed when they saw their favorite part-time model among the group. There he was. His glossy golden blonde hair shone and swayed a little every time he took a step, leaving faint sparkles behind him. His brilliant rich-toned yellow eyes have narrowed, his bow-shaped mouth curling slightly into a definite smirk. He strutted towards them, enthusiastically waving and blowing kisses to them like a world-renowned celebrity.

Nagisa sweatdropped yet again when he saw crimson red liquid on the carpeted floor; this particular figure's die-hard fans having lost consciousness and then fainted due to apparent blood loss. The remaining people who were still conscious resorted to screaming and fangirling, constantly snapping pictures and taking videos. They tried to huddle; resulting to them forming a tight circle around their beloved Kise-sama. There were continuous screams and shrieks, the circle growing hotter and narrower. Choruses of "KISE-SAMAA!!!" and "HE'S MINE!!!"were heard all over the place.

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