Chapter 8

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Previously in AxK:

"I've received word of the boy." The blonde stuck out his tongue in an immature manner, folding his arms.

"He is currently being transported to our private plane, correct?"

The man nodded.

"What's the next step ahead, Boss?" Despite his airy demeanor, the blonde couldn't help but become anxious. What plans did he have for them in the future? Will he live up to his promises?

"I've already contacted the people in charge," the Boss said in a slightly amused tone.

"Pack your suitcases. We're moving our base to the United Kingdom."

With that concluding statement, the professional sniper's mouth dropped open and gaped, his jaw hanging unabashedly.



Two weeks later:

'Hang on Nagisa...we're almost there.' Karma thought with a sigh as he stared at the rows of abundant harvest fields passing by. He was cramped in a small van that Karasuma-sensei miraculously managed to acquire within a short amount of time, along with his fellow E Class members. He had no room to complain, though he didn't mind as his rear end occasionally bounced uncomfortably within his seat, get used to the bumpy ride.

He was aware of the noise of his classmates' chattering, though it was like he seemed to hear it from far away. His body language was closed off, his arms folded together and his legs crossed. He refused to talk to anyone when they tried to approach him.

Some of them were looking at him with worried looks. Now that their earlier excitement at the opportunity of finally proving themselves as worthy assassins, and the prospect of taking down a criminal organization (and saving Nagisa, of course) had died down, everyone had begun to prepare themselves for the upcoming fight, each getting more serious as the time flew by.

Two weeks ago, everyone had undergone excessive rigorous training, near the mountains where they frequently practice. Pumped up and ready to go, it was no surprise that they had grown very weary and exhausted in only a few hours.

All of their bodies worn down, each and everyone panting, on their limit, with the exception of one.

Punching and busting a large bag of sand, Karma kept going on, not breaking a single sweat, as some of his classmates watched by the sidelines while everyone rested. After an hour, they resumed their regime which included training with various weapons suited to them, and for exerting their muscular endurance and strength.

This routine was repeated until the day of their departure was decided. They packed their bags, informing their parents of the "summer camp" they would be needing to attend in order to keep a huge part of their grades up. Their parents waved them off, caring less about where they end up.

Jittery and excited, the students could not suppress the impatience and eagerness that lingered within their hearts, itching to dash out of the stuffy van once they arrive.

Shifting to Kuroko's Point of View:

Blinking aimlessly at his superior, he blurted out a single question.

"What?" Not used to acting out of his normally polite demeanor, he opted to stare blankly at the face of his gallant companion.

With shining eyes that practically resembled stars, the tall man exclaimed, "Exactly as I said, Tetsuya-kun! As a group, we would walk in slow motion--with me in the front, of course, 'cause I am your cool superior that you can always totally depend on-- bust open their flimsy doors using our super awesome eyes that shoot ultra-dynamic lasers out of them, waltz into their headquarters in a badass manner, humiliate their pathetic noodles with our gigantic guns," he flexed his nonexistent muscles to prove his point, "kick their filthy asses, escape and then make their place go BOOM! Doesn't that sound so exciting?!"

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