Chapter 3

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Nagisa had wondered where Koro-Sensei was, and what he was doing. He was so excited about attending the orientation but he had yet to join them, and was currently nowhere to be found. At his Mach 20 speed, he might be simultaneously buying cheap Japanese snacks while watching a movie in Hawaii. He remembered when he and Karma went to Hawaii last year while listening to a lecture for the duration of five hours. They ended up having to submit a report written in English back then. He smiled at the memory, and was brought back to reality at the sound of rapidly snapping fingers. Amusement was written all over his scarlet-haired friend's face. Nagisa thought that his face had resembled that of a meerkat's. 

"What were you smiling about for five minutes just now? I'm curious to know." Nagisa's lips curved up, forming a smile. He then shrugged at him.

"It's nothing of importance, Karma-kun; just reminiscing about something." Karma too, shrugged.

"Never mind. Let's go, Nagisa." He held out his hand to him. Nagisa grinned and grabbed it gently.

The two friends went into the direction of the auditorium, and they pushed the heavy, embroidered double doors open. The coldness of the multi air-conditioned room had seeped into their skin. The pastel hair-colored boy had shivered. Their clothes were too thin to protect them from the sudden cold temperature. He saw that Karma had turned to stare straight ahead.

Nagisa drank in the sight of the huge, elaborate and elegant auditorium. He felt that he was in a theater, the ones used for plays; only bigger, and much more well furnished. Rows of deep crimson-red velvet seats had lined the center, complete with foot rests and drink holders on each side. A long and wide-ranged balcony loomed over the whole auditorium, used mainly by VIPs and other important figures. Cameras and lighting equipment were set at the very back. A long and thick platinum stage lined the whole front, as heavy-looking thick drapes covered the back, with golden braided strings. An elaborately-designed rectangular podium made out of specially-imported Quebracho wood stood proudly at its center, with a silver microphone being supported by another wooden  stand. Several 38-inch LCD TVs were stationed near the walls. Four gigantic Greek, Corinthian-styled columns served to act as a border for the whole area. He noted that some areas were designed specifically for handicapped people, looking at the ramps and emergency wheelchairs placed at the entrance.

Nagisa, as a 'normal' person who came from a 'normal' family, used to 'normal' places and 'normal' things,  felt dizzy and unused to this extravagantly complex atmosphere. He was uneasy and felt out of place. He was constantly fiddling with his fingers, and then turned to his companion. Karma remained indifferent. 'He must be used to it then,' Nagisa thought, 'since he had come from a very wealthy family.' The duo walked among the multitudes of rows and columns of seats, and opted to sit on the second row, in the last column, where the students of the E Class are supposed to be situated.

He relaxed at the warm and fluffy texture of his seat, and placed his can of cold soda down on the drink holder available at his right side. He sank into the big seat and deeply sighed. Karma did the same. 

Some students from the higher classes sat down and sneered in disgust upon making eye contact with the two poor subjects of discrimination, and then proceeded to jeer and gossip about their prejudiced peers. Nagisa furrowed both of his eyebrows and sank lower into his seat in frustration once something particularly cruel and insensitive reached his ears. He opted to clench his fists, with a tense look on his face. Karma, having noticed this, clapped both of his frustrated friend's shoulders and patted his back in an effort to make him calm down. He faced Nagisa with a tired look, which was rarely seen on his face, and sighed. Turning away, he propped his head into one of his shoulders and mouthed: "We'll all finally get used to it someday." Nagisa looked down at his lap.

By then, majority of the students had piled up inside the auditorium. They settled down onto their designated seats and chatted with their fellow students, some being particularly friendly to some students from the opposite school. Nagisa was struck with disbelief when Kunigigaoka students proceeded to spread rumors about their favorite subject, which was frowned upon by some students who had the decency to opt to turn away, from the malicious rumors being spread about Kunigigaoka's fellow E Class peers.

The principal of Teiko Middle had walked in from the back and began to walk up the steps in the stage, stopping shortly in front of the tall podium. He cleared his throat, resulting students from both schools to stop their loud chattering. They chose to talk in hushed voices, and little by little, had quieted down as they waited for the person of high authority to speak.

The man stood tall and proud, with an aura of superiority surrounding him. He had gray, slightly balding hair, which was slicked back. His face was elegantly structured, with a prominent nose bridge and a slightly sharp jawline. He was wearing a crisp and neat black suit, partnered with a red neck tie. His obsidian-tinted grey eyes looked intense. He had opened his mouth to speak, and...

  (..) (..)

Author's Note: Hi! ^^ I have to apologize for not updating this story for almost a month...I'm sorry! *repeatedly bows and apologizes* My exams were just over yesterday, and I was stressing over all of my projects and assignments not so long ago. addition, I have finished the draft for the next chapter, so all I need to do is to edit and erase some parts, so stay tuned my fellow readers! Ciao and see you next time! C:

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