Chapter 8

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My mom was already awake and in the kitchen when we got down there.

"Morning boys, ready to cook?"  She smiled and wiped her hands on her apron.

"You know it!"  I smiled as she pulled out some cutting boards.

"Okay you two can start helping me with the things for the stuffing."  She said and I took one of the boards.

We chopped vegetables and things for the stuffing for the turkey.  While mom stuffed the turkey, Austin and I worked on the potatoes and pumpkin pie.

"Can you boys handle the last of the cooking on your own?"  My mom asked as she stuck the turkey in the oven.

"Yes ma'am."  I nodded and placed the finished potatoes in the microwave.

"Okay, your father and I have to go pick up your Aunt and Uncle from the airport."  She smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Okay mom see you later."  I smiled and began searching for a bowl to start the pumpkin pie.  I heard the car drive away as she left.

"Where's the can opener?"  Austin asked pulling out the pumpkin filling (or whatever it's called :P).

"Should be over by the stove."  I said and pulled out a big bowl.  I took a spoon and scraped the filling into the bowl after Austin ooened the cans, then went looking for the spices.

"Oh, whipped cream!"  I laughed as Austin pulled out the can of whipped cream from the refrigerator.  I mixed the spices and pumpkin filling and put it in a pie crust then stuck it in the refrigerator.  Austin smiled and shook up the can of whipped cream then sprayed some in a small bowl and grabbed a spoon.

"You just can't wait until dessert huh?"  I laughed and he stuck his tounge out at me.  I grabbed a spoon from the drawer and got a small spoon full for myself.

"Hey!  Get your own!"  Austin laughed and hid the bowl behind him.

"Why?"  I asked licking the spoon.

"'Cause this is mine!"  He grinned.

"You can't share with me?"  I pouted playfully.

"I can that doesn't mean I will."  He laughed and kissed my cheek.  "But... I guess it's only fair since I took your shirts huh?"

"Yeah."  I smiled and got another small spoonfull before putting the spoon in the sink.


It was fun getting to see my Aunt and Uncle.  It had been a year or two since we last went to see them.  We caught up on all the news and everthing that was going on.  After we ate all the "adults" settled down to watch football while I went outside to sit.  Austin came out a few minutes later and sat next to me on the back porch steps.

"Finally decide to join the cool kids?"  I laughed.

"Yeah."  He smiled.  "Baseball is more my sport anyways."  I laughed and leaned against his shoulder.  He wrapped his arm around me and we sat there for a while.

"Austin, Alan, you two ought to come in soon.  It's getting dark."  My mom called us from the kitchen window.

"Okay, we're coming."  I called back and we got up.  "Hey Aus?"

"Hmmm?"  He asked following me inside.

"Ready for our next race?"  I asked,and he grinned.  "No cheating this time!"

"Mmm... I can't promise that but yeah let's go!"  He smiled and we went upstairs to my room.


"How do you keep winning?!"  I whispered harshly so I didn't wake my parents uo since it was near midnight.

"Because I'm good!"  Austin grinned and kissed my cheek.  "Two out of three?"  He laughed.

"Okay."  I laughed determined to win this time.  We started the game over for the second round and I concentrated on staying ahead depsite Austin trying to mess me up.  I finally crossed he finish line first,and Austin flopped back on to the bed with a groan.  I laid the remote down and looked at him grinning.  He huffed and rolled over groaning again.  I laughed and climbed onto his back.

"Aww, what's wrong?  Don't like losing." I smiled and kissed his cheek.  He mumbled something and rolled his face over to where I couldn't kiss him.  I pouted and then smiled and kissed his neck.  He laughed and rolled over under me.

"Hmmm... See, I knew you weren't mad."  I smiled and bit my lip.

"Mmm... How can I stay mad at such an adorible kitty?"  He smiled and kissed me.  He rolled me onto my back and I laughed as he almost slipped off the bed.

"Austin don't fall!"  I laughed and kisses him again.

"Mhmmm... Don't worry I won't fall."  He laughed.  I smiled as he kissed down my jaw to my neck.  My breath caught in my throat and he laughed.  "Hmm... A bit sensitive are we?"  He chuckled.  I hummed in response.  He went back to kissing my lips.  He slipped his tounge into my mouth, this was one hell of a make out session.  We pulled back after a little bit breathing heavily.

"Damn..."  I laughed breathlessly.  "Winning is so much better."  Austin laughed and smiled as he kissed my neck again, most likely leaving a mark.  He left a trail of kisses down my neck to my collarbone and then back to my lips.  I smiled and laughed.  He finally pulled back again.

"Aus..."  I smiled.

"Yeah?" He smiled pulling me close.

"I love you."  I snuggled closer to him and closed my eyes.

"I love you too Alan."  He kissed my head and got comfortable.  I smiled and soon fell asleep.


I love make out scenes! :3  haha now to start the drama. (sorry no smut yet but there may be later on)  What do you think?  Leave some feedback and vote :3

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