New Stuff!

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Hey you guys it's Riot!

I've been super busy working on getting stuff started up, like my YouTube channel! I have absolutely no subscribers and only like 2 views ha ha. I have a favor to ask you guys, can you please check it out. I do a lot of different stuff. I hang out with a lot during these videos and let's just say things get WILD. My Channel is here at this link:

So if you like Johnnie and Bryan and all them, ya know My Digital Escape, I have the perfect opportunity for you. I'm starting a thing like My Digital Escape and I need five more people to help Kels and I get it going. We're going to be a lot like them, each person has their own day to upload. We can have a lot of fun, who knows maybe we'll get as good as them! Anyways if you want to be a part of this then just contact me, comment here, or message me. Or hey my Kik is riotcorupt, just send me a message on there if nothing else. I look forward to hearing from y'all!

For now this is Riot signing off! Peace guys!

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