Chapter 2

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Austin and I walked for a while.  He told me about some old friends who were on the north hall.

"You'd like Tino, Phil, and Aaron they are pretty cool."  He smiled.

"Yeah."  I smiled too.  "All of my friends back home went to other universities."  I shrugged.

"Where are you from anyways?"  He asked

"I was born here in California, but we move to Nevada a while back."  I said looking at him.  "What about you?"

"Pensacola, Florida.  We still live there."

"Wow, that's far away."

"Yeah, it's not too bad though."  He shrugged.  I nodded and we were quiet for a while.

"Hey Austin!"  I heard someone call from behind us.  I turned around and saw a guy with short black hair runnjng up.

"Hey Tino!"  Austin waved.

"Who's the ginger?"  He asked looking at me.

"That's Alan, he's my roommate."  Austin said.

"Hi."  I smiled.

"Hey, I'm Valentino, but you can just call me Tino."  He smiled.

"Okay.  Nice to meet you."  I smiled.

"You too."  He smiled and looked at Austin.  "So man, you coming to eat with us tonight?"

"Yeah Tino."  Austin smiled.

"Good deal.  Hey, Alan, you should come with us."  He said looking at me again.

"Really?"  I asked.

"Yeah!"  Austin smiled.  "You can ride with me if you don't have a car."

"Okay, thanks."  I smiled.

"Great, see you guys around six."  Tino said walking off.  Austin and I walked back to our room to get ready.


It waa nice of Austin to let me ride with him.  We listened to the radio on the way to the resturant.  We drove in silence and I looked out the window.  We parked and got out.

"They're already inside."  Austin explained as we walked to the entrance.

"Okay."  I smiled.  We walked in and saw Tino and some other people at one of the tables.  We walked over and sat down.

"Hey guys!"  Tino smiled.

"Hey Tino."  Austin said and smiled.

"Alan this is Phil and Aaron."  Tino explained.

"Hey!"  I smiled.

"Hey!"  They waved.  We ordered our food and drinks. 

"So Austin, how do you like the campus?"  Aaron asked.

"It's beautiful."  Austin smiled, taking a sip of his drink.  "Aaron is the RA for the North hall by the way."  He said to me.  I nodded.

After we ate we all went back to the dorms.  I went and got a shower and brushed my teeth.  I pulled on sweatpants and a t-shirt and went back to the room.

"Someone called you."  Austin said when I walked in.

"Okay, thanks for letting me know."  I said walking over to my phone.  It was only my mom, I would call her back in the morning.  I sighed and laid on the bed.


-A Few Nights Later-

I turned the TV on and flipped through the channels.

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