The Months of Bliss

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Rhaenrys POV
Learning that I had a hard birth with Rhaego for my small size we didn't move the Khalassar for many months. So when Irri said that Rhaego and I were safe to travel Drogo jumped on it. Drogo never like to stay in one place for a long time and neither did Rhaego I learned.

Just holding him on our bed being absolutely still made him fussy. So I had to rock him or walk around with him in my arms just to get him to sleep. With Rhaego being fussy staying still I feared what he do when we do when we start riding.

"Are you ready Moon of My Life?"

I heard Drogo asked as I was bouncing our five month old son.

"Yes My Sun and Stars let me grab Rhaego carrier."

I told Drogo grabbing Rhaego carrier out of Night saddlebag. Handing Rhaego over to Drogo to hold  while I put my the carrier on Rhaego began to fuss from lack of movement.

When the Carrier was on my back I turned around  having Drogo put Rhaego in the carrier where he stopped fussing. I smiled kissing Rhaego hair as he leaned over my shoulder grabbing onto a piece of my hair to play with.

When I knew Rhaego was situated and comfortable on my back. I got onto my mare Night swiftly Drogo following with his red Stallion.

Drogo nodded and we left to lead the Khalassar. As we started moving I realized how much we were bouncing. Gazing at Rhaego I saw how he was cooing with excitement as he played with a strand of my hair.

Since Rhaego was born I couldn't be more happier. But as my happiness grew so did my fears.

I still kept a close eye on Daenerys seeing she seemed more happier like in an oh yea! Your baby born now I get to kill him way. It made me paranoid. So really only Drogo and I were to hold Rhaego or even watch him.

As we rode I looked back at Daenerys occasionally seeing she was studying something that my I could not see.

Drogo seeing my face turning into fear he lightly squeezed my leg. I looked at him as he gazed deeply into my eyes assuring me nothing would happen to our baby. I silently agreed and we moved on wanting to cover more ground before nightfall would hit.

When nightfall came I saw a large lake that evened out into a strong flowing river. Making Camp I waited on my horse now holding Rhaego quietly bouncing him waiting for our tent to be pitched.

Once our tent was pitched I walked in seeing Rhaego doozing off onto my chest. Which made my night a whole lot easier. Putting Rhaego in his bed Irri soon came in with dinner.

I still ate in my tent since Rhaego was so small I was afraid the noise would hurt his ears. And it's not like I can tell the whole Khalassar to shut up so that my baby can sleep while I could eat with my husband.

I laughed at that thought as I was eating horse meat along with bread and a horn of mare milk. Finishing my meal  I gazed over at Rhaego hearing his small cries for my milk.

Walking over to Rhaego bed I picked him up moving my vest aside letting him drink from my breast. As Rhaego was finishing up his meal I saw Drogo coming exhaustion evident on his face.

Pulling Rhaego from my breast I pulled my vest back on holding Rhaego to my chest.

"Are you tired My Sun and Stars?"

I asked Drogo standing up to meet him. Drogo simply nodded tickling Rhaego feet. Rhaego laughter seeming to lift up his spirits.

"Take a bath  with me Moon of My Life."

Drogo said taking my hand in his.

"What about Rhaego?"

I wondered as Rhaego went to playing with a strand of my hair.

"He comes with us."

Drogo told me simply. I smiled as Drogo left leading me down to the lake. Hoisting Rhaego onto my hip Drogo and I help hands walking down to the lake.

Reaching the lake Drogo took off his leather pants setting them on the ground before taking off into the blue lake. I did the same laying my clothes beside his but I sat in the shallow end of the lake sitting Rhaego down in the warm water so he could play.

As Rhaego sat in between my thighs splashing his small hands in the water I decided he needed a bath as well. Putting my hands in the water  I ran them through his now shoulder length hair. Rhaego giggling as I did so. Getting done with cleaning the rest of him I saw Drogo dipping himself in the warm water.

When Rhaego was good and clean I  lifted him up kissing his cheek earning a giggle. Setting  him back down letting  Rhaego play some more.

Drogo soon came up to me holding out his hands for Rhaego so that I could go bathe. Gladly handing him Rhaego I went more into the lake stopping at my waist.

Washing away the dust and dirt of today ride I saw Drogo sit down in the shallow end where I once sat  the water stopping right above his navel. Watching them Rhaego sat on his Father lap Drogo tickling him.

Hearing Rhaego giggling I finished up my bath and swam over to them. Coming up to Rhaego I blew a raspberry on his stomach his laughter becoming contagious as Drogo and I laughed with him.

Seeing that Drogo braid was in arms reach of Rhaego. I saw Rhaego touch Drogo braid curiously before pulling on the braid playing with it.

When Drogo noticed Rhaego doings he carefully pulled the long braid from his little son fingers. Rhaego first looked disappointed that his new play toy was taken from him before Drogo lifted him up kissing and nuzzling his face. Rhaego gave out another giggle before he yawned tired from today activities.

"He's sleepy."

I telling Drogo taking Rhaego away from to lay on my chest letting him sleep. Drogo nodded kissing Rhaego forehead softly. We both got dressed and headed back to our tent ready for sleep.

Before grabbing my sleeping silks I put Rhaego to bed making sure he was warm wrapped in his white wolf fur blanket.

After I knew Rhaego was soundly asleep I dressed in my silks and got into bed beside Drogo him wrapping his arms around me tightly my head resting on his shoulder falling into sleep.

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