Targeryen Trouble

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Rhaenrys POV
Morning came all too quickly. Opening my eyes I saw Drogo was not laying beside me as I hoped. I rode up seeing Irri and Doreah coming in ready to prepare for the day. I allowed them to do so Irri grabbing my riding pants, my leather skirt and my vest as Doreah grabbed a couple of leather straps ready to do my hair.

"The Khal has told us we have a busy day today. We will travel longer to get to Vaes Dorthak Khalessi."

Doreah told me as she parted my hair into two parts. A top and bottom. My top into intricate braids while my bottom half was loose and flowing.

"I thought so. Do you two know if my siblings will be coming along?"

I asked the both of them as Doreah added the sixth and final braid to my hair. She then tied it all together. Three on the left and three on the right like it was two braids on either sides.

"Ser Jorah says yes they are. Is there something wrong Khalessi?"

Irri questioned me. I just smiled.

"No I worry that my siblings are not accustomed to our ways."

"You should not worry. You are Khalessi that is all that matters."

Doreah said finishing my hair. I smiled at her comforted by the thought that as Khalessi I didn't have to worry about anything.

After my hair was finished Doreah and Irri helped me get dressed and finished packing up Drogo and I tent while I went to look for him.

I walked past slaves and tents of other Bloodriders when I saw Ser Jorah practically sprinting towards me.

"Ser Jorah what is wrong?" I asked in common tongue.

"Viserys is causing quite a fuss with his horse he's been given." Ser Jorah said his voice hoarse as he tried to catch his breath.

"What? It's not one of the royal colors?" I joked but Ser Jorah shook his head no quickly. "No he's been given a Mare instead of a Stallion."

"I can't believe this." I started angrily. "Viserys arrogance will get him killed."

"He says it his birth right as king." Ser Jorah tried explaining.

"Viserys is no king!!" I now yelled

"I will deal with it." I finished going to find Viserys.

When I found my poor excuse of a brother he was threatening Rakharo. Even though Rakharo couldn't understand him he didn't show any fear to Viserys petty threats.

"Rakharo, I can take care of this."

I told him in Dothraki. Rakharo looked at me uncertainly but left nonetheless.

"What is the problem Viserys?" I asked not caring at all what he wanted. "What's the problem? What's the problem?!! These Savages think they can give me a horse that is unfit for a king!"

Now it was my turn to be angry. I nodded pretending to care before slapping him across the face hard. Viserys lip started to bleed as he slowly turned back to face me.

"Speak of my people like that again I will cut out you tongue." I threatened. "Lets make something clear. I am a Khalessi. And you are the King of nothing. As long as you stand on Dothraki Sea ground I command you. So you either ride on the horse I provide or you walk. The choice is yours."

I left after that going to find Drogo having enough of enough of my family for one day. Thinking of family I thought of Daenerys. I haven't really spoken to her or even saw her since Pentos. On my way to find Drogo I went to find Daenerys as well.

Coming back into the middle of Camp I saw Daenerys, Ser Jorah and one of my handmaidens Jhiqui who I appointed to watch Daenerys in a heated argument. As I came into view I saw Jhiqui come over to me her lip bleeding in a similar fashion as Viserys was.

"Jhiqui what is happening?"

I asked taking a deep breath trying to calm myself.

"Khalessi, your sister is complaining about how we are riding. She wants to rest but Jorah and I are trying to tell her that we can't till we reach Vaes Dothrak."

Jhiqui explained to me her head down. I nodded taking yet another deep breath.

I will deal with her. What happened to your lip?"

I told her raising her head, my hand under her chin.

"Khalessi sister, slapped me saying it was her right to punish me."

"My sister is not your Khalessi. The people that can punish you is myself and your Khal. Now go to Irri and Doreah saying I commanded them to heal you. You will be staying with Irri and Doreah from now on go."

Jhiqui nodded quickly and left. When I approached Daenerys and Jorah I saw that my sister was picking up on Viserys ways.

"Now, what is wrong here?" I asked not bothering with politeness. "I am tired! I want to rest! I don't want to keep riding." Daenerys whined.

Daenerys was going to say something else when I stopped her.

"Daenerys, enough. You and Viserys have done nothing but cause trouble. So either you can ride with me and the Khalassar to Vaes Dothrak or I can have Ser Jorah escort you back to Pentos. Because  I have had enough with you and Viserys whining. I will  hear no more of it."

I walked away from them both seeing Rakharo bring me my black mare Night to me. "Khalessi, the Khal says will be leaving now." I nodded at his words and got on my horse ready to get as far away from Viserys and Daenerys as I possibly could.

When we got on the road Drogo of course was leading his Bloodriders behind him then it was me and my Bloodriders, Irri, Doreah, and Jhiqui beside me or behind me. I saw it was a few slaves behind me then Viserys and Daenerys with Ser Jorah frowns on their faces.

I ignored them as we rode happy that we were finally on our way to Vaes Dorthak. When Noon came around the Sun was at it highest when Drogo called for a break.

I came off of my mare and went to Drogo who was taking long gulps from his water skin. When I saw he was finished my lips attacked his. He met my kiss eagerly one of his hands deep in my hair the other set on my waist.

"As much as I enjoyed that is there something wrong  Moon of My Life?"

Drogo whispered huskily coming down from the high I left him with.

"I've had a rough morning and I needed that."

I told him kissing him once again. Drogo chuckled at me. I slapped him mockingly smiling for the first time today.

Drogo ended the break soon after our conversation and we headed until nightfall  when we made Camp.

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